We are getting close to getting back in the building. We are hoping we will have our occupancy permit next Thursday. The building is looking good. There will still be painters painting and small details getting touched up during these first couple weeks. The staff will be working hard to unpack and set up their classrooms. Please be patient and understanding as we get the building back in shape. Please excuse our mess and know this is not how we usually start the school year.
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Kindergarten Classroom |
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Office |
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Adult Bathroom |
Suggested School Supply List
Kindergarten (for community use, no names please)
* large backpack
Supplies to share as a class set
* 2 boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
* Crayola or Prang watercolor paints
* 1 box basic yellow pencils
* 2 large erasers
* black dry erase markers (preferably low-odor or odorless)
* 6 large glue sticks
* kleenex
* ziplock bags (gallon size)
* hand sanitize
First Grade (for community use, no names please)
* backpack
* 1 single subject spiral notebook (plain covers only please)
* 2 large erasers
* 1 box(24) crayons (no larger)
* 2 boxes basic yellow pencils (Ticonderoga brand please - lasts longer)
* set of 4 dry erase markers
* 6 large (only) glue sticks
* 1 zippered pencil case (no plastic boxes)
* 1 pair of scissors (labeled with name)
* gym shoes – optional
* 2 family size boxes of Kleenex *
* Disinfecting wipes
Second Grade
* 2 large erasers (label w/student’s name)
* 1 pkg. of colored pencils
* 2 boxes #2 pencils basic YELLOW ONLY *
* 1 box crayons (24 – no larger)
* odor- less dry-erase markers (set of 4)
* 1 pair scissors
* 1 highlighter pen – labeled with student’s name
* 6 large glue sticks
* 2 pkg. of 3 x 3 Post-its
* 1 composition book (Mead 9 ¾ x 7 ½ - wide ruled)
* 2 folders with 2 pockets
* 1 zipper bag for writing tools (no boxes)
* large/small ziplock bags
* 1 box baby wipes*
* 2 large boxes Kleenex*
* 1 hand sanitizer (Christensen & Stack only)
Third Grade
* 1 pair of scissors
* 4 large glue sticks
* 2 large erasers
* 1 pkg. of 12 colored pencils
* pencil top erasers *
* 2 boxes #2 basic yellow pencils *
* 1 box of crayons (16 – 24)
* 2 dry erase markers (low odor or odorless)
* 1 composition books (Mead 9 ¾ x 7 ½ wide ruled)
* 1 spiral wide ruled notebook (70 pages)
* 1 folder w/pockets
* zipper pencil case (no boxes)
* 1 box of Kleenex *
* 1 pkg. baby wipes *
Fourth Grade
* 1 pkg. colored pencils or bold markers
* 2 red pens
* 1 box of crayons (16 – 24)
* 4 glue sticks (large – replenish as needed)
* 2 composition notebooks (Mead)
* #2 pencils (replenish throughout the year)
* 1 highlighter
* 4 pack of dry erase marker (low odor)
* 2 large eraser (white pentel work best)
* 1 pr scissors
* 4 pocket folders (different colors)
* 1 1”binder with plastic cover
* zipper pencil case (no boxes)
* 1 box of Kleenex *
* 1 pkg. of wipes
* 1 pair of headphones in a labeled bag
*No trapper keepers, binders (K, 1, 2, 3) or mechanical pencils
(for all grades)
* Items such as Kleenex, hand sanitizer, etc…are clearly optional donations and are for sharing by the children in the classroom.
Please let Mrs. Linn or your child’s teacher know if we can assist you in any way…we are more than happy to do so.

8/30 Popsicles on the Playground at Rotary Park 6:30-7:30 p.m.
9/6 First Day of School (1/2 Day Dismissal 12:10)
9/15 Picture Day
9/20 Freedom Run 9:45
9/23 Outdoor Movie Night
9/6 First Day of School (1/2 Day Dismissal 12:10)
9/15 Picture Day
9/20 Freedom Run 9:45
9/23 Outdoor Movie Night
9/28 Hoover Open House/Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night Times K-2 5:30-6:15, 3-4 7:15-8:00
Open House K-4 6:15-7:15
10/5 Hoover Walk-a-thon
10/6 Coffee with the Principal 9-10:00
10/26 Students attend AM only Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/27 Students attend AM only Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/8 No School
11/23-11/25 No School Thanksgiving Break
12/2 No School Teacher Records Day
12/23 Students attend AM only
12/26-1/6 No School Winter Break
1/16 No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2/20 No School Mid-Winter Break
3/1 Students attend AM only
3/10 Students attend AM only
4/3-4/7 No School Spring Break
4/14 No School
5/29 No School Memorial Day
6/15 Students attend AM only
6/16 Students attend AM only

Our PTA is planning Popsicles on the Playground at Rotary Park on Tuesday, August 30th 7-8:00 p.m. Bring your children and enjoy reconnecting with other Hoover Families at Rotary Park.
Please join us on September 14, 2016 for our first PTA Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Literacy Library. We will be having a Meet and Greet at 6:30 p.m. with our Executive Board and Mrs. Linn
Did you know that Hoover will be getting carts of Chromebooks for our students this year? We will also have new projectors and a new sound system in each classroom.