It seems like yesterday I was welcoming students on our first day of school. We would like to thank everyone for all of the support that was given this year. Staff, parents, volunteers and students have made this a rewarding year. Each day has been an opportunity to build relationships with Hoover Rockets. Hoover Elementary is such a wonderful community! Our staff is so appreciative of all that you have done this year to support the instruction of our students. This year at Hoover will be one I will never forget. Here are a few highlights:
*getting dunked in the dunk tank
*walking in the Walk-a-Thon
*serving pizza on pizza days
*listening to students read
*observing teachers and students in the classroom
*picking strawberries in the garden
As we close the year, I want to share with you my tremendous gratitude for entrusting your children to us. Our Hoover Rockets are amazing boys and girls-I enjoy them so much! It is my privilege to serve as the principal of Hoover Elementary. I wish each of our Hoover Rockets, as well as their families, a summer filled with sunshine and memory making events. Whether you are enjoying the Livonia Spree, rides on your bikes, trips to the Dairy Barn or travels across America, I hope your days are happy ones!
WOW! What a fun last week of school!

1st and 3rd Grade went bowling! Thank you to Merri-Bowl for the awesome arrangements!
Students were able to pick strawberries this week at recess!How do you find out who your child's teacher is in the Fall? Stay Connected!
Reminder: ELEMENTARY parents, please log into Parent Connect via our website to make sure you are connected! If you’ve never used Parent Connect, you’ll want to log in prior to next school year, when LPS will post ELEMENTARY teacher/classroom assignments in Parent Connect.
To access Parent Connect, go to the Parents tab at and click on Parent Connect. Log in with your user name and password, which was issued at the time of registration. There, you may check classes, assignments, grades, attendance, cafeteria accounts, transportation assignments and more, in addition to managing account settings. If you do not have your log-in, please contact your child’s school secretary.
To ensure that you’re receiving important district information via email, text and phone calls, please check that your contact information is current on your student(s)’ pink emergency card(s).
Suggested School Supply List
Kindergarten (for community use, no names please)
ü large
backpack (no wheels)
ü Headphones
(no earbuds)
Supplies to share as a class set
ü 2
boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)
ü Crayola
or Prang watercolor paints
ü 1
box basic yellow pencils
ü 2
large erasers
ü 4
black dry erase markers (preferably low-odor or odorless)
ü Kleenex
ü Ziploc
bags (gallon size) – Girls *
ü Ziploc
bags (sandwich size) – Boys *
ü hand
sanitizer (boys), baby wipes (girls) *
First Grade (for
community use, no names please)
Headphones for chrome book use in class (no
1 single subject spiral notebook (plain covers
only please)
2 large erasers
1 box(24) crayons (no larger)
2 boxes basic yellow pencils (Ticonderoga brand
please - lasts longer)
set of 4 dry erase markers
6 large (only) glue sticks
1 zippered pencil case (no plastic boxes)
1 pair of scissors (labeled with name)
2 family size boxes of Kleenex *
Kid-friendly (baby) wipes
gym shoes – optional
Second Grade
Headphones/earbuds in labeled bag
2 large erasers (label w/student’s name)
1 pkg. of colored pencils
2 boxes #2 pencils basic YELLOW ONLY *
1 box crayons (24 – no larger)
less dry-erase markers (set of 4)
1 pair scissors
1 highlighter pen – labeled with student’s name
6 large glue sticks
2 pkg. of 3 x 3 Post-its
1 composition book (Mead 9 ¾ x 7 ½ - wide ruled)
2 folders with 2 pockets
1 zipper bag for writing tools (no boxes)
large/small Ziploc bags *
2 large boxes Kleenex*
Third Grade
ü 1
pair of headphones in a labeled bag
ü 1
pair of scissors
ü 4
large glue sticks
ü 1
pkg. of 12 colored pencils
ü 1
red correcting pen
ü 1
ü pencil
top erasers
ü pencil
ü 2
boxes #2 basic yellow pencils
ü 1
box of crayons (16 – 24)
ü 2
dry erase markers (low odor or odorless)
ü 1white
board eraser/sock
ü 1
composition books (Mead 9 ¾ x 7 ½ wide
ü 1
spiral wide ruled notebook (70 pages)
ü 1
folder w/pockets
ü 2
zipper pencil case (no boxes)
ü 1
box of Kleenex *1 pkg. baby wipes
(girls) hand sanitizer (boys) *
ü gallon
baggies (boys), sandwich bags (girls) *
Fourth Grade
ü 1
pair of headphones/earbuds in a labeled bag
ü 4
glue sticks (large) – replenish as needed
ü 1
pkg. colored pencils or bold markers
ü 1
box of crayons (16 – 24)
ü 2
composition notebooks (Mead) Ms. Skibinski’s class – 1composition notebook
ü 2
red pens
ü #2
pencils (replenish throughout the year)
ü 1
pkg. highlighters
ü 4
pack of dry erase marker (low odor)
ü 2
large eraser (white pentel work best)
ü 1
pr scissors
ü 3
pocket folders (different colors) Ms.
Skibinski’s class - 1 pocket folder
ü 2 pkg. 2x2 post-its
ü 1
multiplication Flash cards (1-12)
ü zipper
pencil case (no boxes)
ü 1
box of Kleenex *
ü 1
pkg. of wipes *
* No trapper keepers, binders (K, 1, 2, 3) or
mechanical pencils (For all grades)
* Items such as Kleenex,
hand sanitizer, sandwich size zip lock bags etc…are clearly optional donations
and are for sharing by the children in the classroom.
teachers will have additional requests that are unique to each classroom
*Please let Mrs. Linn or your child’s teacher know if we can assist you in any way…we are more than happy to do so.
*Please let Mrs. Linn or your child’s teacher know if we can assist you in any way…we are more than happy to do so.
Did you know that the old swings are gone and the new equipment is almost ready? We are just waiting for the new mulch to arrive and then the North Playground will be open again!

Sept. 4 First Day of the 18/19 School Year
Oct. 17-18 Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences 1/2 Days
Nov. 6 No School District Professional Development Day
Nov. 21-23 Thanksgiving Recess
Nov. 30 No School Work Day to Mark Report Cards
Dec. 24-Jan 4 Winter Recess
Jan. 21 No School MLK Day
Feb. 18 No School Midwinter Break
Feb. 27 Half Day Professional Development in PM
March 8 Half Day Work Day in PM to Mark Report Cards
April 1-5 Spring Break
April 19 No School Good Friday
May 24 Half Day
May 27 No School Memorial DayJune 13-14 Half Days