This year at Hoover will be one that I will not forget. Here are a few highlights;
*Getting dunked on Field Day
*Trash dissection at lunch
*Walking with Paws at the Walkathon
*Listening to students read
*Observing learning in the classrooms
*Talking and reading about Character Traits in the lunchroom and in classrooms
*Playing basketball at recess
*Reading in the Outdoor Classroom
*Receiving our Green Flag from the National Wildlife Federation
*Watching the Livonia Fireman climb up the 4 story ladder in front of Hoover
Our Hoover Rockets are amazing young boys and girls. I enjoy them so much! I am awed by the efforts of our staff each day and am thankful for their commitment to the children and to one another. It is my privilege to serve as the principal of Hoover Elementary. I wish each of our boys and girls, s well s their families, a summer filled with sunshine and memory making events. Whether you are enjoying the Livonia Spree, trips to the Dairy Barn or travels across America, I hope your days are happy ones!
IREADY Instructional Lessons
Ours students can access IREADY lessons from home until mid August. This is a great way for students to continue to read and learn on line at home.
Publishing Party

4th Grade Diamond Jack Boat Trip

Parent Connect Reminder
Please take a few minutes to make sure that you are familiar with your Parent Connect account. It is an important resource for information about attendance, teacher assignments, lunch account balances and much more! This is the way that students will find out who their teacher is in the fall. The following information was in one of last year’s Hoover Highlights:
Teacher Assignments will be posted on Parent Connect ONLY in the Fall.
Reminder: ELEMENTARY parents, please log into Parent Connect via our website to make sure you are connected! If you’ve never used Parent Connect, you’ll want to log in prior to next school year, when LPS will post ELEMENTARY teacher/classroom assignments in Parent Connect. We will not be mailing a letter with your child’s teacher assignment.
To access Parent Connect, go to the Parents tab at livoniapublicschools.org and click on Parent Connect. Log in with your user name and password, which was issued at the time of registration. There, you may check classes, assignments, grades, attendance, cafeteria accounts, transportation assignments and more, in addition to managing account settings. If you do not have your log-in, please contact Mrs. Holmes (734-744-2730).
Did you know that students who continue to read over the summer continue to grow their reading level? Here are some Summer Reading and Writing Ideas:
Read in the car
Read outside
Read to a pet
Read a book about your destination vacation
Listen to your parents read
Read to a grandparent or neighbor
Read a magazine
Read a menu at a restaurant
Write about a family trip
Write the grocery list for your family
Leave a note for your parents
Write a letter to Mrs. Linn 15900 Levan Road Livonia, MI 48154
Write a list of goals for the next school year
September 10: First PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Save your Box Tops over the summer for our contest next year!
9/3 First Day of School Half Day
9/17 Open House and Curriculum Night
10/16 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/17 Half Day Parent Teacher Conferences
10/18 Half Day Parent Teacher Conferences
11/5 No School Election Day
11/27-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/6 No School
12/23-1/3 Winter Break
1/20 No School MLK
2/17-2/18 Midwinter Break
4/6-4/10 Spring Break
5/25 No School Memorial Day
6/11 Half Day
6/12 Last Day Half Day
9/17 Open House and Curriculum Night
10/16 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/17 Half Day Parent Teacher Conferences
10/18 Half Day Parent Teacher Conferences
11/5 No School Election Day
11/27-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/6 No School
12/23-1/3 Winter Break
1/20 No School MLK
2/17-2/18 Midwinter Break
4/6-4/10 Spring Break
5/25 No School Memorial Day
6/11 Half Day
6/12 Last Day Half Day