School is right around the corner. It is hard to believe that the school year is fast approaching. I hope all of our Hoover Rockets are having a great summer. I wanted to let you know some important information about school starting.
- Tuesday, September 3: First Day for Students! (Students dismissed at 12:10 PM/No Lunch Served)
- Tuesday, September 10: First PTA Meeting 6:30 PM (all families welcome)
- Thursday, September 17: Open House & Curriculum Night (information coming soon)
Parent Connect Reminder

Teacher Assignments will be posted on Parent Connect ONLY.
Reminder: ELEMENTARY parents, please log into Parent Connect via our website to make sure you are connected! If you’ve never used Parent Connect, you’ll want to log in prior to next school year, when LPS will post ELEMENTARY teacher/classroom assignments in Parent Connect. We will not be mailing a letter with your child’s teacher assignment.

Did you know that the first bell rings at 8:50? Students should be in line ready to go at 8:50. If they arrive at 8:55 they will be marked tardy. Help your Hoover Rocket have a great start to the day by arriving to school on time.
Look for the PTA under the tent on the first day of school. We will have coffee available and can help answer any questions you might have about Hoover.
Please join us on September 10th at 6:30 p.m. in the LMC for our first PTA meeting.
9/3 First Day of School Half Day Dismissal 12:10
9/17 Open House and Curriculum Night
10/16 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/17 Half Day Parent Teacher Conferences
10/18 Half Day Parent Teacher Conferences
11/5 No School Election Day
11/27-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/6 No School
12/23-1/3 Winter Break
1/20 No School MLK
2/17-2/18 Midwinter Break
4/6-4/10 Spring Break
5/25 No School Memorial Day
6/11 Half Day
6/12 Last Day Half Day