Coffee with the Principal
Please make sure your Hoover Rocket is at school on Wednesday, October 2nd. This is Count Day. The funding we receive from the State of Michigan is determined based on the number of students at Hoover on Wednesday. Let's get 100% attendance on Wednesday. You don't want to miss our special guest who is coming for the Walk-a-thon!Reading Buddies
Mrs. Lipinski and Ms. Charochak's classes are reading buddies this year. The students enjoy reading and spending time with their buddy.
Hearing Screenings
The Wayne County Health Department will be coming and conducting Hearing Screenins to all students in Kindergarten, First, Second and Fourth Grade. They will be here at Hoover September 30, October 1, October 4, and October 9-10. If your child fails the screening you will receive a letter in the mail.
Johnny Appleseed
Ms. Charochak's class celebrated Johnny Appleseed by making hats and learning the parts of an apple.
Hoover Handbook Highlights
It is important to read and review the student handbook with your child. We will summarize a sections of our student handbook each week. You can access it under the Quick Links sections on our website at
Forbidden Articles
Students will not bring forbidden articles to school such as tobacco, matches, lighters, caps, knives, or laser pointers. Students may never bring explosives, weapons, weapon lookalikes, or toy weapons of any kind to school. Glass containers are unsafe and should not be brought to school. Electronic toys and games, and equipment are not allowed. Students may not carry electronic communication devices such as pagers, handheld computing devices or cellular phones, on school grounds or on the bus, except when approved by the principal.
Be Kind

Did you know that Hoover has many new staff members this year? This week we would like to introduce one of our Music Teachers Ruth Martin.
My name is Ruth Martin I am one of the new music teachers at Hoover . I have taught in Livonia Public Schools for 32 years. And yes I could retire but still love teaching. My teaching career started in Forest Hills Public Schools in Ada, Michigan followed by teaching internationally in Tehran, Iran and São Paulo, Brazil. Needless to say I love travel and visiting different cultures. I teach ,using a style called Education Through Music. It involves movement, music, social/emotional skills ,cognition and language. I enjoy working with the children to find the musician within them.
Over the years I have had many hobbies ;travel, rock collecting, flute figures, and jigsaw puzzles to name a few. I have a 19 year old adopted son Jason who loves drawing and marketing. Becoming a parent was the best and most challenging thing I ever set out for myself. This summer was spent getting ready for the next step in Jason's life , college.
I am looking forward to meeting the families and students at Hoover.
Ruth Martin
Music Teacher
Coolidge and Hoover Elementary
Music Teacher
Coolidge and Hoover Elementary

WALK-A-THON – Wednesday, October 2 – We are only 5 days away and need LOTS more pledges to reach our $13,000.00 goal. We just collected over $1,000.00 today, so keep on promoting right up until the day of the event. You are welcome to send funds in your pledge envelope or pay via PayPal:
Walk-a-thon PayPal
There will be a surprise for the winning classrooms and students from each grade! Remember, this is our biggest fundraiser of the year. The funds collected from the walk-a-thon help the PTA give back to our school, staff and so much more throughout the year. Come on out and support your student. Noise makers, pom poms and cheers are welcome! Here is the schedule of events:
9:15 - 3rd GRADE
9:45 - 4th GRADE
10:30 - 2nd GRADE
11:00 - 1st GRADE

BANNER CONTEST WINNER!! Congratulations to 4th grader Asher Gregg from Mrs. Lipinski’s class! His awesome artwork was chosen for our 2019 walk-a-thon banner. Great job Asher! We are so excited to transform his picture into a banner that he can carry at the walk-a-thon! We also want to thank all our Hoover Rockets that participated in the contest. All entries are proudly hanging up outside the office.
HOOVER SPIRIT WEAR – Don’t miss out! FREE SHIPPING offer has been extended to Monday, September 30th. Simply go to choose your items, select your designs, place your order, and your spirit wear will be shipped directly to your home! There are lots of new designs to choose from. They also make great holiday gift ideas!
OCTOBER PTA MEETING – Tuesday October 8th at 6:30 pm is our next PTA meeting in the media center. Come join us as we recap recent activities and share ideas for upcoming events here at Hoover. Enjoy light snacks and fun conversation. There is always a drawing for a small gift for all who attend. Everyone is welcome….come mingle with other Hoover parents!
10/2 Walk-A-Thon 9:15 3rd, 9:45 4th, 10:30 2nd, 11:00 1st, 11:30 KG, Count Day
10/8 PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
10/16 Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/17 Half Day Dismissal at 12:10, Afternoon and Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/18 Half Day Dismissal at 12:10, Afternoon Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/18 Spirit Day Gum Day ($1)
10/24 Picture Retake Day
10/25 Hoot N'Howl 6-8:00 p.m.
11/5 No School Professional Development Day
11/12 PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
11/27-11/29 No School Thanksgiving Break
10/8 PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
10/16 Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/17 Half Day Dismissal at 12:10, Afternoon and Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/18 Half Day Dismissal at 12:10, Afternoon Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/18 Spirit Day Gum Day ($1)
10/24 Picture Retake Day
10/25 Hoot N'Howl 6-8:00 p.m.
11/5 No School Professional Development Day
11/12 PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
11/27-11/29 No School Thanksgiving Break