Next week there will be no school Wednesday-Friday for Thanksgiving Break. We hope your family has a great holiday.
Hoover Coat Drive
We are still collecting gently used and new coats for the Clothing Depot. They are in need of kids coats! Don't forget to empty those pockets.
Come Join Daisy's

Did you know Mrs. Bice and Mrs. Broome were awarded a grant for the Livonia Public Schools Education Foundation last week? We will be purchasing a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for Kindergarten, First and Second Grade.

The PTA treated the Walk-a-Thon top earning students from each grade to lunch with a staff member of their choice. They all enjoyed lunch in the community room sharing wonderful conversation. After personally thanking the students for their support, they also received a small gift as a token of our appreciation. In addition, the PTA paid a visit to all the top earning classrooms from each grade and awarded the Teacher with a $100.00 bill to do something special for the class. Hearing the kids cheer about winning was fantastic!
Come join us in the Media Center as we recap recent activities and share ideas for upcoming events here at Hoover. Our guest speakers will be parent volunteers to discuss the Holiday Shop and Winterblast. Enjoy light snacks and fun conversation. There is always a drawing for a small gift for all who attend. Everyone is welcome….come mingle with other Hoover parents!
Don’t forget Hoover spirit wear is available for purchase all year, and they will deliver right to your home. Great for holiday gift ideas! www.hooverspiritwear.com
Good for ONE MONTH ONLY! 10% OFF Banner Hoodies - Use coupon code NOV19E at checkout to take advantage of this great deal!

Today, Friday the 22nd is the deadline for your orders. As a thank you for participating, each child will receive a sheet of stickers of their artwork, which are FREE for you to keep, whether you order items or not.
DEARBORN BRAND FUNDRAISERDearborn Meats are back! Watch for the order form in backpack mail this week. Orders will be due Thursday, December 5th with delivery of all items on Thursday, December 19th.
The December Holiday Shop will be moved a week later, and run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (Dec 10-12). You will receive the classroom shopping schedule in advance.
Friday, December 13th will be our Pajama-Rama. The evening will include dinner, games, craft, snack and viewing of Americas Funniest Home Videos Kids & Animals! This will be a pre-paid event with a maximum of 100 Hoover students. Watch for a flyer in backpack mail very soon. DON’T MISS OUT!
One of our Hoover Families owns the Sweet 220 Bakery in Livonia and they are donating 10% of all the Pie and Cheesecake proceeds back to the Hoover PTA. Don't forget to mention Hoover when you order. (734) 261-3000.
Hoover will be participating in the Livonia Holiday Parade on Sunday, December 8th. If you would like to represent Hoover and walk in the parade, please go to the link below for the full details and to sign up to join in the festivities. We’d love to see you there! https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showRSVPSignUp/4090c44a9ac23a7fb6-city2
11/27-11/29 No School Thanksgiving Break
11/29-12/15 Five Below Fundraiser
12/5 Trimester Ends
12/6 No School for Elementary
12/6 Skate Night
12/8 Holiday Parade
12/9-12/20 IREADY Diagnostics #2
12/10-12/12 Holiday Shop
12/13 Pajama-Rama
12/13 Report Cards Come Home
12/20 Spirit Day Hat Day
12/23-1/3 Winter Break
1/14 PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
1/17 Spirit Day Inside Out
One of our Hoover Families owns the Sweet 220 Bakery in Livonia and they are donating 10% of all the Pie and Cheesecake proceeds back to the Hoover PTA. Don't forget to mention Hoover when you order. (734) 261-3000.
Hoover will be participating in the Livonia Holiday Parade on Sunday, December 8th. If you would like to represent Hoover and walk in the parade, please go to the link below for the full details and to sign up to join in the festivities. We’d love to see you there! https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showRSVPSignUp/4090c44a9ac23a7fb6-city2
11/27-11/29 No School Thanksgiving Break
11/29-12/15 Five Below Fundraiser
12/5 Trimester Ends
12/6 No School for Elementary
12/6 Skate Night
12/8 Holiday Parade
12/9-12/20 IREADY Diagnostics #2
12/10-12/12 Holiday Shop
12/13 Pajama-Rama
12/13 Report Cards Come Home
12/20 Spirit Day Hat Day
12/23-1/3 Winter Break
1/14 PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
1/17 Spirit Day Inside Out