Pistons Assembly

Reflections Ceremony

South Parking Lot-Buses only before 8:55
We have 5 buses coming between 8:40-8:55. They drop off the students by the front door. Parents need to use the Parent Lot for dropping of students. If you are arriving after 8:55 you may use the South Lot. This week we have seen 8-10 cars dropping off in the bus lane each morning. We are asking for your support in following the school rules. Help us keep our Hoover Rockets Safe!
Kindergarten Registration Begins February 3….
Parents of children who are, or will turn, age 5 on or before September 1, 2020 may register for fall kindergarten at Hoover, beginning Monday, February 3. We are very excited to welcome many new children and families to our school and look forward to having you join the Hoover family! To register for Fall, 2020 Kindergarten, stop by the office on or after February 3 for a registration packet.
Livonia Public Schools is also offering a Kindergarten Registration day on Saturday, February 22nd from 9-12 at Riley. Click on this link to sign up for a time to register on Saturday, February 22: https://www.signupgenius.com/ go/10c0f4dadab28a6fa7- kindergarten
Livonia Public Schools is also offering a Kindergarten Registration day on Saturday, February 22nd from 9-12 at Riley. Click on this link to sign up for a time to register on Saturday, February 22: https://www.signupgenius.com/

Hoover’s Winter Blast is this evening from 6-8:30 pm. We kindly ask that you arrive no earlier than 6:00 pm as we will be setting up for the event. Activities will include carnival type games, food, and raffling off the themed baskets. We look forward to an evening of Hoover family fun.
Congratulations Dorothy
The PTA would like to congratulate Dorothy on her retirement. We cannot thank her enough for all the help and support with the PTA over the years. Dorothy has been the HEART of Hoover and we will miss seeing her smiling face in the office! Wishing you a journey of joy and happiness in this new chapter of your life. May you be showered with abundant opportunities to do what your heart desires.
The PTA would like to congratulate Dorothy on her retirement. We cannot thank her enough for all the help and support with the PTA over the years. Dorothy has been the HEART of Hoover and we will miss seeing her smiling face in the office! Wishing you a journey of joy and happiness in this new chapter of your life. May you be showered with abundant opportunities to do what your heart desires.
Enjoy a night out for dinner on Thursday, February 6th. Between the hours of 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, BJ’s will donate proceeds from dinner back to Hoover. Be sure to bring your flyer and tell them you are part of Hoover Elementary!
Next Friday, February 7th is unhealthy snack day. This is always a favorite! Students who donate $1 will be welcome to bring an unhealthy snack to school to enjoy with a smile. Remember, spirit day donations are used toward Hoover Helping Hearts and other important funds here at our school.
Come on out after drop off and share ideas and mingle with other Hoover parents. Enjoy coffee, a sweet treat and fun conversation. Our plan is to discuss upcoming activities and events. Everyone is welcome…
Looking for a fun family activity on a Friday night? Mark your calendar for Friday, February 21st. Watch for a flyer in backpack mail very soon!
The 4th grade DVD flyer went home. Be sure to write down your student’s memories along with a baby picture and 5 photos of your student while at Hoover. The deadline is Friday, February 28th. You can send pictures in an envelope or email them to crystalDeG@gmail.com or ngregg@livoniapublicschools.org Don’t miss out! This will be a wonderful keepsake for your Hoover Rocket.
We are in the process of working out all the details. We will need volunteers in order to make this event a success. If you are interested in helping, please email livoniahooverpta@gmail.com More information will be coming home soon.
From February 4th- 14th take advantage of 10% off orders (certain restrictions apply). Use coupon code: SWEETEST10 Also, from now until the end of the school year, any orders OVER $50 (before tax) will have free shipping.
Check out the link: www.hooverspiritwear.com
Are you trying to raise well rounded, compassionate children? Are you trying to teach your children it is better to give than receive? Considering having them participate in the YOUTH MAKING A DIFFERENCE program through the Livonia PTSA. Participation is simple: Have you child do a community service project, take pictures of them doing it, and put the pictures on a story board.
Then on April 16th, at Churchill High School, your child will be recognized at the LPS Youth Making a Difference District Wide Celebration. The projects will be on display and they recognized for all their hard work!
Some examples of appropriate community service projects are
· Family/Teen/Women Shelter Support
· Humane Society Drive
· Canned Food Drive
· Making Fleece Blankets to Give to Children’s Hospitals
· Hospital/Nursing Home Visits
· Yard Work/Errands for the Elderly
· Used Eyeglass Collection for Lions Club
· Salvation Army Support
· School Improvement Projects
· Recycle Bottle/Can Collections
· School Assistance Activities
· Clothing Depot Drive
· Ronald McDonald House Drive
· Park/Highway Clean Up
Commitment forms due March 6th, Projects due MONDAY, APRIL 13th and the Ceremony is Thursday, April 16th from 6-8 pm at Churchill High School.
For more information contact Christina Testa at Christina.testa.80@gmail.com
2/3 KG Registration Begins
2/6 3rd Grade In School Field Trip
2/6 BJs Brewhouse Fundraiser 5-8
2/7 3rd Grade In School Field Trip
2/7 Spirit Day Unhealthy Snack Day
2/11 PTA Meeting 9:00 am
2/17-2/18 No School Mid-Winter Break
2/19 Family Fitness Night
2/21 Skate Night
2/27-2/28 Star Lab
3/5 KG Parent Information Night 6-7:00
3/7 Pistons Game
3/9-3/12 Vision Screening
3/10 PTA Meeting 6:30 p.m.
3/12 Book Bingo Night 6-7
3/13 1/2 Day Dismissal 12:10, End of 2nd Trimester
3/19 Spring Picture Day