Dear Hoover Rockets,
I am excited to be back at Hoover. My family has been enjoying the summer reading, kayaking and spending time up north, but we are eager to be back to school.
We are looking forward to a great year at Hoover Elementary School. As always, our staff is committed to beginning the year building relationships with students and creating a positive, caring classroom culture. Over these next few weeks, teachers will be engaged in professional development with a focus on remote learning, setting up their classrooms and as always are looking forward to meeting their students. We will be working hard to maintain our amazing family feel whether you have chosen Livonia Virtual for your child or will be starting the year remotely and returning face to face. We will communicate with you often these next few weeks as we prepare for our Return to Learn. We will be showing patience and grace to our staff, students and families as we work through the transition from remote learning to face to face.
We may not know all the answers...but we do know that we are going to do everything possible to keep everyone safe, create the best learning environments possible, and show deep care for our students and staff everyday! Our Community With Character and what we value as an LPS family will be more important than ever.
I am sure you have many questions and we are working on answering these questions as quickly as possible. The LPS Dialogue will be coming out soon which will include critical dates, times and start of the year information. We strongly recommend you continue to visit our district website and the Return To Learn page which has an informative FAQ. Our website houses the most timely information about our back to school plans.
Below are some additional details you may have on your mind:
*Kindergarten Roundup(K-4 buildings) will NOT take place August 27, 2020 as previously planned. Instead, all elementary schools are working on a plan to safely invite all students to our classrooms to meet their in person or Livonia Virtual teacher. At that time we will also be able to distribute school materials needed to work at home either remotely or as part of Livonia Virtual. Those invitational visits will take place during the week of September 8. You can look for an invitation prior to Labor Day weekend.
*We know you are all excited to receive school supply lists. Each school will email their school supply lists and publish them on their website no later than August 26, 2020.
*A process for borrowing district technology will be shared on August 31, 2020. The goal is to have devices reserved for families that do not have adequate access for remote learning. There is no need to send email requests for mobile devices at this time.
*If you purchased a 19/20 yearbook we will have those available for pick up on Wednesday, August 26th from 12-1:00 and 5-7:00 in the Hoover Parking Lot. If you emailed a request to Mrs. Gregg back in the Spring please bring your $15 in cash with you to the pick up. We do have some extras. It will be first come first serve.
*As in the past, teacher assignments will be available in Parent Connect after 4:00 pm on September 2, 2020.
*You can also be sure to find a remote learning and Livonia Virtual teaching schedule shared over the next few weeks.
Our Hoover secretaries, Mrs. Gregg and Mrs. Stempeck will be back in the office starting Monday, August 24th. At this time, we are asking families to make appointments if they need to meet with office staff in person. Our phone number at Hoover is (734) 744-2730.
Julie Linn
Hoover Principal