We are continuing to celebrate March is Reading month at Hoover. On Wednesday evening, families enjoyed time together playing Book Bingo.


Ms. Stack's class tried to catch Leprechauns.
Today was Guest Reader Day. Thank you to all our Guest Readers who spent time reading and sharing with our Hoover Rockets. Some of our Special Guests included Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Kidder Riley Principals, Churchill Football Players, a Livonia Fireman, a retired Detroit Police Commander, an army specialist, Farmer Don, Livonia Librarians, Stevenson Hockey players, Rosemary and her therapy dog. We are so thankful to the Livonia Community for giving back to our Hoover Rockets today! Ask your Hoover Rocket who read to their class today?
Take a moment to watch this week's Live From the Dumpster to see how we are doing with our paper recycling initiative.
Welcome Table:Do you have an extra 1/2 hour in the morning after dropping your student off? We could use your help to staff the Welcome Table! This is an excellent opportunity to spend a small amount of time to be a big help. It only takes 1/2 hour and scheduling your time is easy. Schedule week to week, month to month or schedule your time for the entire school year in advance. To sign up go to: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090a4da5a82da20- welcome2
3/18-3/27 Five Below Fundraiser
3/23 Door to Door Pick Up
4/24 Detroit Tigers Game
Did you know that research shows that the more parents are involved with the school and partners with teachers, the more successful their children are? Our teachers use a variety of ways to communicate with parents including email, websites, Class Dojo, phone calls and of course parent conferences. Please be sure to keep in contact with your child's teacher and ask your child what they learn each day. Great things are happening at Hoover!
3/21 Ruth McNally Barshaw Assembly (Thank you PTA)
3/22-3/24 Vision Screening Kg, 1st, 3rd
3/23 1st Grade Fieldtrip
3/23 Door to Door Pick Up
3/24 $1 PJ Spirit Day, Read In, Doug Scheer Assembly, Ice Cream Sundaes (Thank you PTA)
3/25-4/1 Spring Break
4/8 Earth Day Assembly
4/14 End of the 3rd Marking Period
4/15 No School Teachers Mark Report Cards