Staff Lounge Door |
Hello Hoover Rockets!
Thank you for the amazing Staff Appreciation Week! The staff enjoyed breakfast, lunch and treats. The students have been looking for their colored stars in the lobby. The flowers look beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to make this such a rewarding week.Popcorn Bar |
Greenmead Field Trip
This week our second grade students went to Greenmead. They brought lunches in pails and dressed for the times. It is such a wonderful way to learn what school used to be like.
Mrs. Christensen's Class |
Lunch pails and caps |
Slate, McGuffey Reader , Arithmetic and Spelling Book |
Reading together in class |
Today is Art Mrs. Lipinski and Mrs. Cannell's class painted bananas to look like Minions! Then we served the bananas at lunch!
Did you know that our PTA helps fund: field trips, assemblies, evening events, educational magazine subscriptions, recess equipment, classroom enrichment materials, books for the leveled library, listening stations, a new paper cutter, pencil sharpeners, literacy resource materials, extra silverware for the students who forget it with their cold lunch, flowers, mulch and other miscellaneous beautification items. THANK YOU!!!!
5/9-5/27 4th Grade M-STEP
5/10 Skibinski Lansing
5/11 Larabell Lansing
5/11 Bus Evacuation Drill
5/12 Lunch in Classrooms
5/12 Volunteer Tea
5/17 Hoover Highlights
5/18 Door to Door Pick Up
5/26 Music Concert 6:00 pm
5/30 No School Memorial Day
6/1 Kindergarten Oreintation
6/7 Field Day
6/16 Last Day for Students (1/2 day)
6/17 Building is closed and construction begins