It was a great week at Hoover. Our 1st-4th grade students have been busy taking the I-READY Diagnostic Assessment in the computer lab and with our new Chromebooks. We had a sucessful Fire and Tornado Drill. Mr. O., our 4th grade leaders and the rest of our Hoover Rockets particpated in the Freedom Run.
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Thank you PTA for the popsicles after the Freedom Run! |

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Walking the Freedom Run with Mrs. Hawker. |

*Outdoor Movie Night was a wonderful evening for families to enjoy a cool evening under the stars watching a great movie. We raised over $1500 for Hoover! Thank you to everyone that participated.
*Our first Spirit Day was also a huge success. Thank you for donating and sending in those Unhealthy Snacks.
*Look for more information to come about the Hoover Walk A Thon. We are hoping to beat last year's total.
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Griffin and Sydney at the Fair. |

Did you know that I have two children (Griffin and Sydney), two horses, two rabbits, a bearded dragon, a guinea pig, fish and six kittens? We love animals at our home. Some say we have a farm with our 2 barns, tractor and 16 acres. When I am not at Hoover, I am home outside taking care of the animals, our garden or doing homework and playing with our children.
This summer both Griffin and Sydney raised 2 pigs and showed them at the
Monroe County Fair for 4H. We learned a lot about raising pigs. Did you
know that they gain 2 pounds a day?

9/27 Hoover Highlights
9/28 Open House and Curriculum Night
5:15-6:00 K-2 Curriculum Night
6:15-7:15 Open House
7:15-8:00 3-4 and Mrs. Flak's Curriculum Night
9/30 Lock Down Drill 11:30
10/5 Hoover Walk-a-thon
10/12 PTA Meeting 1:00 p.m. Superintendent Andrea Oquist Presents
10/21 Hoot N' Howl 6:00-8:00 p.m.
10/26 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/27 Parent Teacher Conferences