It was a great week at Hoover. Our 1st-4th grade students have been busy taking the I-READY Diagnostic Assessment in the computer lab and with our new Chromebooks. We had a sucessful Fire and Tornado Drill. Mr. O., our 4th grade leaders and the rest of our Hoover Rockets particpated in the Freedom Run.
Thank you PTA for the popsicles after the Freedom Run! |
Walking the Freedom Run with Mrs. Hawker. |
*Outdoor Movie Night was a wonderful evening for families to enjoy a cool evening under the stars watching a great movie. We raised over $1500 for Hoover! Thank you to everyone that participated.
*Our first Spirit Day was also a huge success. Thank you for donating and sending in those Unhealthy Snacks.
*Look for more information to come about the Hoover Walk A Thon. We are hoping to beat last year's total.
Griffin and Sydney at the Fair. |
Did you know that I have two children (Griffin and Sydney), two horses, two rabbits, a bearded dragon, a guinea pig, fish and six kittens? We love animals at our home. Some say we have a farm with our 2 barns, tractor and 16 acres. When I am not at Hoover, I am home outside taking care of the animals, our garden or doing homework and playing with our children.
This summer both Griffin and Sydney raised 2 pigs and showed them at the
Monroe County Fair for 4H. We learned a lot about raising pigs. Did you
know that they gain 2 pounds a day?
9/27 Hoover Highlights
9/28 Open House and Curriculum Night
5:15-6:00 K-2 Curriculum Night
6:15-7:15 Open House
7:15-8:00 3-4 and Mrs. Flak's Curriculum Night
9/30 Lock Down Drill 11:30
10/5 Hoover Walk-a-thon
10/12 PTA Meeting 1:00 p.m. Superintendent Andrea Oquist Presents
10/21 Hoot N' Howl 6:00-8:00 p.m.
10/26 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/27 Parent Teacher Conferences