Saturday, April 29, 2017

Arbor Day at Hoover

Hello Hoover Rockets,

Leah planted her new tree.
Ready to take our trees home.
Arbor Day was a huge success at Hoover on Friday.  Thank you to the 3rd grade singers, students who entered the Poet-tree contest, Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Jungwirth, Mrs. Skibinski and Mr. Tony.  Thanks to the city of Livonia Tree Committee Hoover was given 3 large trees which were planted by students on the East side of the playground.  Every Hoover student was also given a tree.  Mayor Wright, Laura Cox, Colleen Burton and Crystal Frank also attended.  It was an amazing day.  The celebration can be seen on the Livonia Cable station on Monday, May 29th at 7:00 p.m.

1st and 2nd Grade Tree Planters
3rd Graders Singing with Mr. Murphy
Our 4th graders enjoyed a day of learning about Michigan in Lansing this week.  They visited the Impression 4 Science Center, The Michigan Historical Museum and the State Capitol.  Thank you to all the parents and staff that made this field trip so amazing and one that our Hoover Rockets will never forget!
Mrs. Larabell's class in Lansing
Mrs. Lipinski's girls in Lansing

Fun at Impression Five

MSTEP Next Week

Our 3rd graders will begin taking the M-STEP on Monday, May 1st.  Please make sure that the students get a healthy breakfast and good nights sleep.  We recommend 8:30 or the latest 9:00 bed time.  Our 4th graders will begin on Thursday, May 11th.

Poem in the Pocket Day
Last Thursday students shared a poem that they carried in the pockets.  During lunch, Mr. Tony had students volunteer to read their poems into the microphone.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I love Hoover
How About You?
by Katie Cramer

Lunch Balances
Please check your child's backpack if they buy lunch.  We have quite a few students with an outstanding balance.  Ms. Wilcox sends home an envelope if a student owes money for lunch.  Our goal is for all students to eat a lunch every day.  In June, we will be limiting the amount of credit that we can extend for lunches.  We don't want students to have a cheese sandwich for lunch, so please look for those envelopes and listen closely to the automated calls about lunch balances.  You can send in cash, a check or pay with a credit card for a small fee through Parent Connect.  If you find you may need some support please don't hesitate to call or email Mrs Bice (  We do have funds remaining in our Hoover Helping Hearts account to support families.
This week, we will be celebrating our "STARS", the hardworking Hoover staff, starting May 1st with a week full of surprises.  We need lots of donations for the week, please consider signing up to send something in to help make the week a success!  
Thank you for all your support!
Here is the link to the sign up for staff appreciation :)

Did you know that Arbor Day is an annual observance that celebrates the role of trees in our lives and promotes tree planting and care. As a formal holiday, it was first observed in 1872, in Nebraska, but tree planting festivals are as old as civilization. The tree has appeared throughout history and literature as the symbol of life. The idea for Arbor Day in the United States originated in Nebraska City, Nebraska. Among the pioneers moving into the Nebraska Territory in 1854 was Julius Sterling Morton from Detroit. He and his wife, Caroline, were lovers of nature, and the home they established in Nebraska was quickly planted with trees, shrubs, and flowers. Morton was a journalist and soon became editor of Nebraska’s first newspaper. Given that forum, he spread agricultural information and his enthusiasm for trees to a receptive audience. His fellow pioneers missed their trees and needed them for windbreaks, fuel, building materials and shade from the hot prairie sun. A visit to Nebraska today wouldn’t disclose the state was once a treeless plain, yet it was the lack of trees there that led to the founding of Arbor Day in the 1800s.   Visit to learn more.

4/30 Hoover Tigers Game vs. White Sox
5/1-5/26 M-STEP for 3rd and 4th Grade Students
5/2 Teacher Favorites
5/4 4th Grade Students Visit Riley 9:15-11:15
5/4 Volunteer Tea 3:00 p.m.
5/8 Popsicles on the Playground and Tour for new Cass Families 6:30-7:30
5/16 PTA Meeting 7:00 p.m.
5/17 SACC Registration 4:30-6:00 p.m.
5/23 Jiffy Field Trip Cannell, Cowher
5/23 Music Concert 6:00-8:00 p.m.
5/25 Jiffy Field Trip Flak, Fortier
5/25 Music Concert 6:00-8:00 p.m. Rain Day
5/26 PJ Spirit Day
5/29 Memorial Day No School
5/29 Hoover Arbor Day on Livonia Cable 7:00 p.m.
6/1 Kindergarten Orientation
6/1 2nd Grade and Flak Zoo Field Trip