It was another great week of learning at Hoover. Now that the temperature has dropped please make sure you are sending warm weather gear with your Hoover Rockets. We will be outside for recess as long as the temperature with the windchill is 15 degrees and above. Students should have a warm winter coat, warm gloves, and a hat. It is important that students are able to put on their gear independently. Perhaps practice this weekend to see if they know how to zip their winter coat and the correct sequence for getting ready. We notice that children often put on their boots before the snow pants. If they are able to get ready on their own, they will have more time outside at recess to play.
Winter Dress Sequence
1. Shoes off
2. Snow Pants on
3. Boots on
4. Coat on and zip
5. Hat on
6. Gloves on last

Outdoor Recess Fun
Did you know that this month we are focusing on the Climate Character trait of Mindfulness? Mindfulness is being aware in the moment, maintaining a moment-
by-moment awareness of our thoughts,
feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding
The students also watched a short video during
lunch to learn more about mindfulness and to
practice slow breathing which assists in calming.
Here are the links to the videos if you wanted to
watch them with your child at home.
Mindfulness for Children - The Storm
Please join us on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. for our next PTA meeting in the Community Room. We will be planning upcoming events including the Livonia Holiday Parade, Holiday Shop, Kids Night Out, and Winter Blast.
Nov. 14 PTA Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Nov. 16 Nuts About Science
Nov. 20, 21 Hearing Rescreenings
Nov. 22-24 Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 28 Hoover Highlights
Nov. 30 1st Trimester Ends, Nuts About Science Session #2
Dec. 1 No School Work Day for Teachers
Dec. 2 PTSA Chili Cook Off, UM vs. USA Hockey FUNdraiser
Dec. 7 Holiday Shop, Nuts About Science
Dec. 8 Holiday Shop, Spirit Day Crazy Hair Day, Report Cards Go Home
Dec. 12 Kids Night Out 5-8:00 p.m.
Dec. 14 Nuts About Science
Dec. 15 Kids Night Out 5-8:00 p.m.
Dec. 19 Hoover Highlights
Dec. 21 Nuts About Science
Dec. 25-Jan 5 Winter Break
Jan. 8 School Resumes
Jan. 9 PTA Meeting 1:00 p.m.
Jan. 11 Nuts About Science
Jan. 11 Reflections Celebration Stevenson 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Jan. 12 Spirit Day PJ Day
Jan. 15 No School MLK
Jan. 16 Hoover Highlights