Thank you so much for all those amazing cookies. It is such a treat for the staff to be able to take home a couple dozen cookies ready for a holiday meal. Thanks for thinking of us and taking the time to bake or buy the sweet treats. We appreciate your act of kindness.
Holiday Concerts
All of the concerts were a huge hit! Thank you to Ms. Sato and Mr. Turner and our staff for all their hard work to showcase the musical talents of our Hoover Rockets.
Santa Visit
Santa came to Hoover on Tuesday and visited the office and our first graders. Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Park shared their list with Santa.Outdoor Winter Recess

It was warm enough on Tuesday that we were able to go outside for recess and play in the snow. The students had a great time building snowmen and sliding on piles of snow. Please remember to send in those warm clothes, snow pants and boots in January. Once the snow returns, the students must have snow boots on to play in the snow. Some of the girls have been wearing "fashion boots". These are not waterproof and they are slippery in the snow. Please try to send in warm, winter boots. If students forget their boots they will be playing on the black top only.
Did you know that your children should not be the most important people in your family? Please click on this link for a great article to learn why and who is the most important:
Your kids should not be the most important John Rosemond
All Hoover Students
are invited to enter our yearbook cover design contest. Hoover staff and PTA
will vote on the winner. The winning design will appear on the cover of our
2017-2018 yearbook! Entries due Jan 8th,
All entries must include:
1. Our theme for
this year! What do you think of when you hear “Hoover Rockets - Reaching for
the Stars”? Show us in a creative way how you would represent Hoover and this
theme and what it means to you.
2. Our school name
Hoover Elementary should be incorporated into your design as well as the year
2017-2018. You do not need to include the words “Reaching for the Stars”
but you can if you wish.
Tips for a good
design: You can use crayons, colored pencil, markers or pens, but keep in mind
the BRIGHTER the better!
How to submit your
1. Please submit
your artwork on an 8 1/2 x 11 white sheet of paper or card stock.
2. Artwork should
be done with a VERTICAL orientation - NOT horizontal.
3. Write students
name on the BACK of the design in pencil along with grade and teacher name.
4. Do not fold your
paper, it must be wrinkle free for submission as well as free from staples or
5. Bring you design
back with you when you return from break and give it to your teacher.
**We are excited to
see all of your creative ideas! Reach for the stars Rockets!!
Youth Making a Difference
Youth Making a Difference is a
program that encourages and recognizes volunteer efforts by K-12 students.
Livonia PTSA Council recognizes the efforts of these students at the annual
Youth Making a Difference celebration in April. Some students, among other
things, visit senior citizens, help collect money for the Livonia Goodfellows,
or rake leaves and pick up trash outside their schools or community. This
program and celebration is a great way for our children to learn how important
it is to give back to our community. The commitment
forms are due back Jan 30th.
Projects are due 2/28 and the
ceremony is 4/24 @ Franklin High School.
Winter Blast
Hoover’s Winter
Blast will quickly be approaching after the holiday break. Friday, February 2nd from 6pm-8pm, come and have some
indoor fun with your Hoover family at our Winter Blast. Tickets can be
purchased in advance to play carnival type games, food, and entries for baskets
raffles. Some of the themed baskets to be raffled off are: Disney (complete
with park tickets), Michigan State, University of Michigan, Sports, Family Game
Night, Movie Night, Lottery Tickets, Money Tree, and Arts & Crafts to name
a few. At the end of the night turn your
prize token tickets into our prize room and pick from a variety of fun prizes.
Last year full size basketballs were a huge hit from the prize room.
This FUN event
will not be able to happen and run efficiently without our AMAZING Hoover
community coming together to make this night a success for our Rockets. There
will be many opportunities to help from donations, set-up, helping throughout
the event, to clean-up. If you have children in 7th grade or higher who need service hours or just want
to make a difference in their community, we would love to have them help with
running the games. Also volunteers must be 18 or older to work in the kitchen.
Please stay tuned for more information as well as a signup genius to come out
for volunteers and donations.
Thank you so much to our AMAZING
HOOVER COMMUNITY for making the first half of our school year such a success.
We are truly grateful and appreciate your continued support. From donating
items to our PTA events, volunteering your time during Hoot-n-Howl and Holiday
Shop, donating coats to our coat drive, generously giving money to the Hoover
Helping Hearts Fund, signing your students up for Nuts About Science, and being
a parent helper in the science class, volunteering at our Welcome Table and in
the lunchroom as a PAL, to helping in the library. These are just a few of the
many things YOU do as a community to help make Hoover such a fantastic school
for our ROCKETS. We want these precious years at Hoover to be a memorable
experience for all. We hope you all have a wonderful and RELAXING holiday break
with family and friends. We will see you all in 2018.
Happy Holidays from your Hoover
Dec. 25-Jan 5 Winter Break
Jan. 8 School Resumes
Jan. 9 PTA Meeting 1:00 p.m.
Jan. 11 Nuts About Science
Jan. 11 Reflections Celebration Stevenson 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Jan. 12 Spirit Day PJ Day
Jan. 15 No School MLK
Jan. 16 Hoover Highlights
Jan. 16-Jan. 18 Vision Screenings KG, 1st, 3rd
Jan. 18 Lockdown Drill, Nuts About Science
Jan. 22 Star Lab
Jan. 24 Star Lab
Jan. 25 Nuts About Science
Jan. 26 Skatenight
Jan. 26 Vision Rescreening KG, 1st, 3rd
Feb. 1 Kindergarten Registration 2018/19
Feb. 2 ACAT Applications Due
Feb. 2 WINTERBLAST 6-8:30 p.m.
Feb. 6 Hoover Highlights
Feb. 9 Spirit Day Career Day
Feb. 13 PTA Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Feb. 13 Family Fitness Night
Feb. 19 No School Midwinter Break