Kids Night Out
Kids Night Out was another huge success! We had over 100 students attend this year! They enjoyed dinner, bowling with Mr. "O", a craft and a movie with popcorn. Thank you to our PTA for another amazing event.Holiday Shop
Our Hoover Rockets enjoyed shopping for loved ones last week at the Holiday Shop. Thank you to all the volunteers who made this possible.Mrs. Flak's class shopping. |
Ms. Fortier's class shopping |
Did you know that Hoover has 30 Student Council students that take turns working in the Rocket Pad (School Store)?They were busy this week with our Candy Cane Sale. The funds from the Candy Cane sale will be donated to a good cause. The students will vote on an organization that is special to Hoover. Thank you for supporting the Hoover Student Council.
Thank you for all of your support for Kids
Night Out! We had about 100 Hoover Rockets participate in this fun night
consisting of crafts, bowling, dinner and a movie.
Staff Cookie
your appreciation for our hardworking Hoover staff by donating cookies for the Hoover Staff Cookie Exchange on Thursday, December 21. We provide the
sweets - the teachers and staff get to take home the treats to share with their
families. We are looking for donations of 3 dozen homemade or store bought
cookies (but, ANY amount would be greatly appreciated) Please send cookies in
disposable or labeled containers. Cookies
can be dropped off at school on
Tuesday and Wednesday, December 19 and 20 - all day,
or Thursday, December 21- before school only. If you are able to
donate, please sign up at www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0A48AEA62AAA8-hoover11 or contact livoniahooverpta@gmail.com.
The Hoover staff and
their families LOVE this annual event! We usually have large participation from
our Hoover families! Please consider baking (or buying) some cookies and
sending them in next week! They truly do appreciate it!
Meat Orders
Your purchased
items will be available for pick up on
Wednesday, December 20th from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Hoover Elementary.
Thank you for supporting your
Hoover Rocket with this PTA fundraiser.
Youth Making a
Youth Making a
Difference is a program that encourages and recognizes volunteer efforts by
K-12 students. Livonia PTSA Council recognizes the efforts of these students at
the annual Youth Making a Difference celebration in April. Some students, among
other things, visit senior citizens, help collect money for the Livonia
Goodfellows, or rake leaves and pick up trash outside their schools or
community. This program and celebration is a great way for our children to
learn how important it is to give back to our community.
The commitment forms are due back Jan
30th. Projects are due 2/28 and
the ceremony is 4/24 @ Franklin High
Dec. 19 Hoover Highlights
Dec. 20 Dearborn Ham Pick Up
Dec. 21 Nuts About Science
Dec. 21 PTA Cookies for Staff
Dec. 22 9:30 2nd & 3rd Music Performance
Dec. 22 10:30 KG & 1st Music Performance
Dec. 25-Jan 5 Winter Break
Jan. 8 School Resumes
Jan. 9 PTA Meeting 1:00 p.m.
Jan. 11 Nuts About Science
Jan. 11 Reflections Celebration Stevenson 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Jan. 12 Spirit Day PJ Day
Jan. 15 No School MLK
Jan. 16 Hoover Highlights
Jan. 16-Jan. 18 Vision Screenings KG, 1st, 3rd
Jan. 18 Lockdown Drill, Nuts About Science
Jan. 22 Star Lab
Jan. 24 Star Lab
Jan. 25 Nuts About Science
Jan. 26 Skatenight
Jan. 26 Vision Rescreening KG, 1st, 3rd
Feb. 1 Kindergarten Registration 2018/19
Feb. 2 ACAT Applications Due
Feb. 2 WINTERBLAST 5-8:00 p.m.
Feb. 13 Family Fitness Night and PTA Meeting 7 pm
Feb. 19 No School Midwinter Break