Our Hoover Rockets had a great time shopping at the Hoover Holiday Shop! Thank you to the parent volunteers that help set up the shop, assisted students in finding the perfect gifts for loved ones!

Buddy Reading
Ms. Fortier and Mrs. Christensen's class enjoy Buddy Reading together. Each week many of our students read to younger Hoover Rockets or read to older Hoover Rockets. We are truly a family at Hoover.
Hoover Daisies at Livonia City Council Meeting
The Kindergarten Daisy troop from Hoover attended the Livonia City Council meeting on November 19th. They got to say the Pledge of Allegiance. They even got to meet the Mayor of Livonia. So proud of our Hoover Daisy Troop.Mr. Tony LPS Staff Support Person of the Year
Mr. Tony received his LPS Staff Support Person of the Year award at the School Board Meeting on Monday night! Congratulations Mr. Tony! Click on this link to see the presentation

Holiday Parade
Hoover was well represented in the Livonia Holiday Parade last weekend. Thank you to the Girl Scouts and PTA for showing off our Hoover Pride!
Candy Cane Sale
Our Student Council student will be selling candy canes for .25 during lunch recess December 17-20th.
Hoover Eco-Action Efforts at Livonia City Council Meeting

Hoover Eco-Action Efforts will be acknowledged at the Livonia City Council Meeting on December 17th.
Music Concerts
12/14 9:30 3rd Grade with Stevenson Choir at Hoover12/21 9:30 2nd Grade Concert
12/21 10:15 1st Grade Concert
1/16 7:00 4th Grade Concert at Stevenson Performing Arts Center
Did you know that our own Hoover Rocket's artwork can be seen at Sam's Place Restaurant? Andre's Outstanding Art Work is currently hanging in the Restaurant. Stop by and see if you can find it.
Happy Holidays!
For a limited time only, shipping is on us! This is your last chance to get your order in by the Holidays.
Certain restrictions apply.
Offer ends 12/9/2018.
Hey Hoover Parents, don’t forget about Kids Night Out Pajama-Rama coming up this Wednesday and Friday! If you want to do some holiday shopping, wrapping or simply need a night out, Hoover students are welcome to join us for a festive night of holiday fun! There will be dinner, activities and a winter themed movie. Kids are welcome to wear jammies and bring a pillow and blanket for the movie. Here are details…..
DATES: Wednesday, December 12th OR Friday December 14th
TIME: 5:20-8:30pm (curb side drop off begins at 5:20pm. Students are to be picked up in the gym at 8:30pm)
COST: $10.00 per student in advance / $12.00 at the door
Make checks payable to the HOOVER PTA. Flyers were delivered in your student’s backpack.
Friendly reminder that children must attend Hoover to participate.
Just in time for the holidays! Don’t forget your Dearborn Brand meat orders. Forms were sent home in your student’s backpack.
Tuesday, December 11th - All order forms and payments must be turned in on or before this date.
Wednesday, December 19th – Your purchased items will be available for pick up between the hours of 3:00pm – 5:00pm at Hoover Elementary.
Checks are to be made payable to the HOOVER PTA.
Thank you for supporting your Hoover Rocket with this PTA fundraiser.
11/23-12/9 Five Below Fundraiser
12/7 Report Cards Go Home
12/10-12/21 IREADY Diagnostic Window
12/12 & 12/14 Kids Night Out 5:00-8:00 p.m.
12/14 3rd Grade Sings with Stevenson at Hoover 9:30
12/14 Spirit Day Crazy Hair Day
12/18 2nd Grade Henry Ford Museum Field Trip
12/21 Sweet Treats for Staff
12/21 9:30 2nd Grade Holiday Performance
12/21 10:15 1st Grade Holiday Performance
12/24-1/4 Winter Break
1/15 Skate Night12/10-12/21 IREADY Diagnostic Window
12/12 & 12/14 Kids Night Out 5:00-8:00 p.m.
12/14 3rd Grade Sings with Stevenson at Hoover 9:30
12/14 Spirit Day Crazy Hair Day
12/18 2nd Grade Henry Ford Museum Field Trip
12/21 Sweet Treats for Staff
12/21 9:30 2nd Grade Holiday Performance
12/21 10:15 1st Grade Holiday Performance
12/24-1/4 Winter Break
1/15 Reflections Ceremony at Franklin 6:30
1/16 7:00 4th Grade Concert at Stevenson Performing Arts Center
1/17 Lock Down Drill
1/18 Spirit Day PJ Day
1/19 PTSA Chili Cook Off
1/21 MLK Off
2/1 Winter Blast