Our amazing Hoover staff participated in Professional Development on Tuesday. We focused on our Math and Literacy components of our School Improvement Plan. Vocabulary strategies and Number Talks were the highlights of the day.
ACAT Program
The Webster ACAT Nomination Window opens on November 26, 2018 and closes February 4th at 4:00. Webster will be holding an informational meeting on Wednesday, November 28 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Webster. Come learn more about the ACAT program.

Did you know that Mr. Tony, our Building Supervisor is one of two Staff Support Person of the Year for LPS? He will be recognized at the November 26, 2018 School Board Meeting.
Congratulations Mr. Tony! Click on this link to see the article:
THANK YOU HOOVER FAMILIES FOR BAKING AND WORKING AT THE BAKE SALE TENT ON ELECTION DAY!!!! We outdid ourselves and brought in over $925!!!! We have the Best Community!!!
Nuts About Science Registration is open until November 13th. Classes begin the week of November 26th and end the week of January 28th. The theme for this session is Wonders of Science. This is available for Hoover student’s grades 1st-4th. We are also in need of 2 parent volunteers for the classes to help the teacher. If you volunteer for the class, your student will attend at a discounted price. Please visit Nutsaboutscience.com to register. If you have any further questions, please contact Christina Testa, Christina.testa.80@gmail.com. No Make-up classes are offered this session, however if class is canceled due to weather, families will be refunded for the class.
NATIONAL PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST: We have received TWO entries so far and would love a couple more. Is your Hoover Rocket a visual artist, photographer, writer, dancer, musician, or film maker? Then keep reading because the PTA has a program for them!! Students make projects that are inspired by a theme. This year’s theme is “Heros Around Me.” They can make a project in as many categories as they want. It is free to enter!! This is the 50th Anniversary of the National PTA’s Reflections Contest and we are excited to offer it at Hoover. LPTSA will judge all the entries from Livonia Public Schools. They will choose four winners in each age range and category. Then they send those winners on to be judged at the state level. Top winners at the state level go on to national judging. The deadline to turn in projects is November 14, 2018. Please contact our Hoover PTA Reflections Chair, Christina Testa, Christina.testa.80@gmail.com, if you would like information.
Upcoming Community Fundraisers: Mark your calendars Five Below November 23-December 9th. Watch for more details to come home soon. Thank you in advance for your support.
Holiday Parade: The Livonia Holiday Parade will be Sunday, December 2nd starting at 4 pm. Groups are expected to participate by representing their organization in a festive way. Whether it be dressing up, making a banner, or building a float, all organizations are to distinguish themselves in the most festive way possible to be recognized. The staging area will begin at 2:45 pm at Frost Middle School. The Hoover PTA is looking for another great group of Hoover Families to walk together in the parade. A sign-up-genius will be sent out in mid-November, for people to sign up to participate. Please contact Carmin Haylock at carminhaylock@yahoo.com if you would like to help plan this event for Hoover Elementary or with any questions.
Next PTA Meeting is Tuesday, November 13th at 7 pm.
11/13 7:00 PTA Meeting
11/15 2nd Grade Field Trip Harris, Baden
11/20 2nd Grade Field Trip Flak, Acosta
11/15 2nd Grade Field Trip Harris, Baden
11/20 2nd Grade Field Trip Flak, Acosta
11/23-12/9 Five Below Fundraiser
11/23-12/9 Five Below Fundraiser
11/29 Trimester Ends
11/30 NO SCHOOL Work Day for Teachers
12/6-12/7 Holiday Shop
12/7 Report Cards Go Home
12/10-12/21 IREADY Diagnostic Window
12/12 & 12/14 Kids Night Out 5:00-8:00 p.m.
12/14 Spirit Day Crazy Hair Day
12/24-1/4 Winter Break
12/7 Report Cards Go Home
12/10-12/21 IREADY Diagnostic Window
12/12 & 12/14 Kids Night Out 5:00-8:00 p.m.
12/14 Spirit Day Crazy Hair Day
12/24-1/4 Winter Break