Hello Hoover Rockets,
Thank you to our generous PTA. Each classroom received a $100 bill to celebrate 100 days of school last week. The teachers will be able to purchase items for their classrooms.
Ms. Neville's Class |
Mrs. Poteracki's Class |
STAR LAB Thank you Mrs. Lipinski for bringing the Solar System right here to Hoover. Students in 1st-4th grade enjoyed learning about the stars and planets in the Star Lab.
102 Days of School
Mrs. Peer's class had fun celebrating 102 days of school this week.
Family Fitness Night

Thank you to Mr. O and the numerous volunteers who helped lead our families in an evening of exercise. Thank you Mrs. Wilcox for the healthy snacks.
Skibinski Wax Museum
George Lucas |
Ms. Skibinski's class held their Wax Museum this week. The students, families and staff enjoyed seeing so many "famous" people right here
Sacagawea |
Read Across America at Churchill
Read Across America Churchill High School chapter of the National Honors Society is hosting an event called Read Across America. On March 7th, elementary school students are invited to arrive at Churchill between 6:00 and 6:30 for a fun night of games and crafts; with activities concluding at 7:30. The activities are based off of Dr. Seuss and help to promote national reading month.

Do you know how many hours of sleep your child needs a night? According to the National Sleep Foundation children 5-10 years old need 10-11 hours a night. What happens when your child does not get enough sleep? Meltdowns, moodiness, weight gain, and extra sick days. Not enough sleep puts your child at higher risk for colds, flu, and other nasty bugs. An overtired child can be hyper or surly, or simply tuned out. In time, that attitude will become tough to take-for parents, teachers and classmates. Kids who stay up late get wired instead of tired. When they finally to go bed, they're too jittery to nod off, setting them up for more bad nights ahead.
So a great goal would be in bed by 8:30 asleep by 9:00!
Hoover Elementary
Science Fair 2019
Second Annual Hoover Science Fair 2019 Kick
off Assembly will be Friday, March 1st in the afternoon. Every grade
level will participate in the assembly and information will be sent home
Friday, March 1st, with specific details about the Science Fair. This science fair is optional for all
students, but we are hopeful that our AMAZING Hoover Rockets will be excited to
take on this challenge. Your interest and encouragement will help to make this
a valuable learning experience for your child. Families with multiple Hoover
students are welcome to work on a Hoover Science Fair project together. The Science Fair will be held again this year in
conjunction with the Art Fair and Ice Cream Social during the evening on
Thursday, April 25th.
Night: Our Next Hoover Skate Night will be Tuesday March 5th at
Riverside Arena. Please look for a flyer to come home with more information as
the date approaches.
Friday, March 8th, is Mismatch Day. For $1 your Hoover Rocket can really show
their creativity in this fun way while also supporting their school.
will be a GREEN OUT DAY. All proceeds will go to the Hoover Eco-Action Committee so they can pay to ship glue sticks to
the recycling facility. Please join us in supporting this worth cause and send
in $1 for your Hoover Rocket to wear GREEN to school.
Youth Making a Difference: Projects are due March 22nd and
the ceremony is in April 2019
at Franklin High School.
Tops Winners: Congratulations to Mrs. Hawker, Ms. Neville,
Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Cowher and Mrs. Lipinski’s classes for winning the contests
for their respective grade levels. The winning classes will be contacted soon
to set up their classroom parties. Thank you to all of the families for turning
in their clipped Box Tops. Also a HUGE thank you to our Box Top Chairperson,
Christine Douglass, and all of the parent volunteers that counted for SEVERAL
classes to make our Spring Contest a success. We were able to raise an
additional $336.60 for our Hoover Rockets bringing the Box Top total to $1,175.80 for the school year.
Spirit Wear: Hey Hoover Rockets! Don’t forget Hoover Spiritwear is available all year long. Besides T-shirts, you can customize sweatshirts, zip-ups, polos, pants, shorts and bags. They even offer gift certificates if you are looking for a creative gift idea for your student. There are many designs and colors to choose from and they will deliver right to your home. The warm weather is just around the corner so don’t delay! http://www.hooverspiritwear.com/
PTA Advocacy: Did you know one of the PTA’s core functions is Advocacy? A parent approached the PTA Executive Board and volunteered to
chair an advocacy position. This was an underutilized platform for our Hoover
PTA and we have since accepted their request. The following information is from
our new Advocacy Chair, Mike Testa:
main function of this position is to share information — the intent is to raise
awareness of issues that may impact our school and children. The plan is to
cover Local, State, and Federal issues. The
Michigan and National PTA will be used as the main resource. As you may know,
from time to time they issue ‘call to action’ notices. To be clear, any ‘call
to action’ is still just intended to be information sharing — taking action is
completely optional.
will be attending Michigan PTA Advocacy Day in Lansing on 3/21. My hope is to
learn and network with other advocacy leaders on how to best support the
members of the Hoover PTA.
would also like feedback from you...what would you like to see / which issues
would you like to be informed about. Feel free to reply to this post, contact
me privately via Facebook or email me at testamic424@yahoo.com
if anyone would like to help with this endeavor, I welcome the support.
Mike Testa
3/7 Kindergarten Parent Information Night 6-7:00 p.m.
3/8 1/2 Day of School Dismissal 12:10 Teacher Work Day
3/8 Spirit Day Mismatch Day
3/12 PTA Meeting 7:00 pm
3/15 Guest Reader Day
3/15 Report Cards Go Home
3/20 Tornado Drill 11:20
3/21 Book Bingo Night
3/22 YMAD Projects Due