Shared Cart
Starting March 1st we have had a shared cart in
the lunch room. Students who buy lunch
and don’t eat the packaged fruit or vegetables can place them on the shared cart. Any student can select an item
from the shared cart to eat. We are trying
to reduce the amount of food that is thrown away in the lunchroom every
day. If you child brings a lunch from
home, please encourage them to eat their whole lunch or to bring home anything
that they don’t eat. That way parents
will see what students like to eat, and how much does not get eaten. We will remind them to send home food that is
not eaten and NOT to throw it away.
Lisa Wheeler
Mrs. Wheelr taught the students about research that she did before she wrote her books about Mammoths. Ask you Hoover Rocket some questions:

Are they extinct? YES
How many teeth do they have in their mouth? FOUR
Report Cards Coming Home New Date 3/22/19
Due to the numerous inclement weather days, the 2nd trimester has been extended one week. Report cards will now be coming home on March 22nd.
Spring Picture Day
Thursday, March 21st is Spring Picture Day!Battle of the Books
We are looking for 2 more volunteers for Battle of the Books. If you can help please email Mrs. Mayne at These are the book titles the students are reading for the Battle.
Battle of the Books
List – 2019 - Year 2
My Name is Maria Isabel
Owls in the Family
Flat Stanley Canadian Expedition
Emma Kate
Drop It, Rocket!
Busy Butterflies
Clifford’s Family
A Friend For Dragon
Amazing Animal Journeys
Judy Moody Goes to College
The Umbrella
Froggy Builds a Treehouse
Storm Runners
Froggy Rides a Bike
I Survived the Shark Attack of 1916
Troop # 76853 needs your help! For the month of March we are collecting
donations for the Humane Society of Michigan. We are collecting items for our
local shelters. The shelters are in
great need of items that provide care and feeding for our cat and dog
population. Items that they are needed include:
used/new dog or cat bowls
used/new dog or cat toys
or new collars and leashes
-Old or
new pet clothes
-Cat treats
- Toilet/paper
towel rolls
miscellaneous pets supplies (bandanas, pet glam items)
place all item in the donation box located across from the office. Thank you all in advance for your
support for our troop and the animals that need your love.
Troop # 76853
questions or concerns about our Humane Society Drive please feel see to text or
call (810) 347-4625.
Did you know that students who have parents involved in school are more likely to succeed academically? You can get involved by checking your Hoover Rockets backpack, reading their planner, asking them about their day. Ask you child what did they learning in math? What did they make in art? What book are they reading? Did they bring home a book that they could read to you? Stay positive! Make it fun! Celebrate the new learning together!
Hoover Elementary
Science Fair 2019
Second Annual Hoover Science Fair 2019 Kick
off Assembly was Friday, March 1st in the afternoon. Every grade level
can participate in the Science Fair. This science fair is optional for all students, but we are hopeful
that our AMAZING Hoover Rockets will be excited to take on this challenge. Your
interest and encouragement will help to make this a valuable learning
experience for your child. Families with multiple Hoover students are welcome
to work on a Hoover Science Fair project together. PLEASE make sure all Science Fair Applications are turned in by Monday,
March 11th. All approved applications and Science Journals will be
returned by Friday, March 15th. The Science Fair will be held again this year in conjunction
with the Art Fair and Ice Cream Social during the evening on Thursday, April 25th.
Contact Christina Testa, with any questions.
ADDITIONAL SPIRIT DAY Friday, March 15th, will be a GREEN OUT DAY. All proceeds will go to the Hoover Eco-Action Committee so they can
pay to ship glue sticks to the recycling facility. Please join us in supporting
this worth cause and send in $1 for your Hoover Rocket to wear GREEN to
Youth Making a Difference: Projects are due March 22nd.
Christina Testa will be in touch with those families that are participating.
Bingo is quickly approaching on Thursday, March 21st from 6-7 pm. This is a fun FREE
event sponsored by the Hoover PTA. Please join us for night of popcorn, Bingo
and MANY chances to win free books. We are still in need of a Chairperson to
ensure this night is success. Please contact anyone on the Hoover PTA Executive
Board if you are interested in helping.
3/12 PTA Meeting 7:00 pm
3/15 Guest Reader Day, Green Out Spirit Day
3/20 Tornado Drill
3/21 Book Bingo Night 6-7, Spring Picture Day
3/22 YMAD Projects Due, 4th Grade Energy Assembly
3/22 Report Cards Go Home
3/29 Battle Of The Books
4/1-4/5 Spring Break
4/8 1st Grade Field Trip to Ann Arbor Hands On Museum, Nuts About Science
4/12 Spirit Day, Tigers Hot Dog Lunch
4/13 Martian Marathon
4/15 Nuts About Science