3rd Grade Jiffy Trip
Ms. Fortier and Mrs. Cannell's class went to Jiffy on Monday and got to tour the plant. They enjoyed some Michigan Made Products as well. Thank you to the PTA for helping to pay for the transportation for this amazing field trip.
Art Fair

Science Fair
WOW! We learned a lot about the scientific method! Our students experimented and learned which paper towel is the most absorbent, which gum has the longest lasting flavor and which nail polish brand lasts the longest. Thank you to Mrs. Testa and Mrs. Wilson for organizing the 2nd Annual Hoover Science Fair.Music Concert
KG and 4th Grade Students will be performing in our music concert on May 9th at 6:30 here at Hoover.Mrs. Larabell Lansing

Mile City Church Big Serve Day
On May 18th members of the Mile City Church will be volunteering throughout Livonia Public Schools. There will be some members here at Hoover to help with some Spring Clean Up Tasks. If you are willing to join us please email me jlinn2@livoniapublicschools.org. Thank you.M-STEP

Did you know that 90% of the energy used by your washing machine goes to warming its water. Switch to a detergent formulated to work best in cold water (Tide, Purex, Gain, and persil all make cold-water varieties)?
The Sports Hut is offering free shipping for spirit wear purchases from Friday, April 12 – Monday, April 29th
So don’t delay…..Take advantage of the savings!
Spirit Wear Link: http://www.hooverspiritwear. com/
The next PTA Meeting will be Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 p.m. Please join us.
Spirit Day: The next Spirit Day will be May 17th! PJ DAY!!!!!!
The next PTA Meeting will be Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 p.m. Please join us.
Spirit Day: The next Spirit Day will be May 17th! PJ DAY!!!!!!
4/29-5/24 M-STEP Testing
5/2 4th Grade Visits Riley
5/3 Cowher and Janis Field Trip
5/6-5/24 I-READY Testing Window
5/9 Music Concert KG & 4th Grade 6:30
5/10 Green Flag Ceremony, Green Out Spirit Day
5/14 7:00 PTA Meeting, 2nd Grade Zoo Field Trip
5/16 Volunteer Tea 3:00
5/18 Mile City Church Volunteers Clean Up
5/19 Tigers Game
5/24 1/2 Day School Dismissal 12:10
5/27 No School Memorial Day
5/29 Fire Drill 11:30
6/4 Field Day, Muenchies Fundraiser
6/5 Field Day Rain Day
6/6 KG Orientation
6/7 4th Grade Diamond Jack Field Trip, 11-12 KG End Of Year Party
6/13 Half Day of School Dismissal 12:10
6/14 Half Day of School Dismissal 12:10 LAST DAY
6/19 Reports Cards Mailed Home