Volunteer Tea
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, community members and friends of Hoover who have volunteered to make Hoover an amazing school. We appreciate all your time that you have dedicated to our Hoover Rockets.
2nd Grade Field Trip

Memorial Day Weekend
We will be having a half day of school on Friday, May 24th. Students will be dismissed at 12:10. There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 27th. Field Day June 4th
We will be having Field Day on Tuesday, June 4th. This year we will not be having a special Field Day lunch. It will be a regular pizza Tuesday!
Did you know that we are focusing on GRIT this month? Grit means to persevere and never give up. Here are some resources for you to review with your children at home.
Thank you for shopping at Kroger. Hoover has earned $987.80 in rewards! We have earned $413.84 from our parents who shop at Busch's!
- The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper
- Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae
- Thank You Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco
- Stuck by Oliver Jeffers
- You Can Do It Bert by Ole Konnecke
- The Dot by Peter Reynolds
2019/20 PTA Officers
President: Tracey Schenk
1st VP: Jessica Connolly
Treasurer: Carmin Haylock
Assistant Treasurer: Missy Columbe
Corresponding Secretary: Nancy Gregg
Recording Secretary: Stacey Curtis
Muenchies Fundraiser
Stop in at Muenchies on June 4th after Field Day for a cool treat. Hoover will earn a percentage of the sales!!
5/18 Mile City Church Volunteers Clean Up
5/23 Rocket Pad (School store closes)
5/24 10:00 Fire Drill
5/24 1/2 Day School Dismissal 12:10
5/27 No School Memorial Day
5/30 1:05 Stevenson Clap Out
6/4 Muenchies Fundraiser
6/4 Field Day
6/5 Field Day (Rain Date)
6/6 KG Orientation
6/7 4th Grade Diamond Jack Field Trip
6/10 Trimester Ends
6/13 1/2 Day of School
6/13 11:00 Autograph Day
6/14 1/2 Day of School