Coffee with the Principal
Thank you to the parents that attended our First Coffee with the Principal on Thursday. It was great to meet new parents and to talk about all the great things happening at Hoover.
The 2nd graders released a couple Monarch Butterflies last week in the Outdoor Classroom. Click on this link to view the video:
Family Literacy Night
Hoover staff will share ideas to make reading fun at home. Please SAVE THE DATE November 7, 2018 6:30-7:30.
Families can apply for the free or reduced price lunch program by clicking on this: Free & Reduced Lunch Applications and if you want to pay for lunch on line you can click this: Online payments & account access
ICHAT Link: This link is for volunteers and chaperones to use for background checks
Interested in becoming a lunch/recess supervisor? Apply here: EduStaff
Parents can click on this Absence Verification to enter an absence without having to call in. You can even fill it out days ahead.
Did you know that our teachers receive professional development training all through the year? Each teacher receives 30 hours of training every year in the form of full day training sessions, half-day training sessions, and even one hour training sessions before school. Training may be focused on curriculum, technology, educational best practices and so much more. Our teachers are modeling life-long learning for their students. Great things are happening at Hoover!
Our Walk-A-Thon 2018 Banner
Contest Winner is 3rd Grader from Ms. Fortier’s class, KATE
MARTIN! Congrats on your winning design! We are so excited
to turn her design into a banner for the event. The rest of our wonderful
banner entries are on display in the Hoover lobby.
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Walk-a-thon Banner Entries |
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Winner Banner Kate Martin |
Kindergarten - 9:30-9:55 am
3RD Grade
- 10-10:30 am
4th Grade
- 10:40-11:10 am
1st & 2nd Grades
- 11:15-11:45 am
This event
is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Our Hoover Rockets will be participating
in our 5th Annual Walk-a-thon
to help raise funds for the Hoover PTA. Students are asked to collect pledges
in support of them completing laps around a ¼ mile track for 25 minutes during
a day filled with laughter, music, healthy exercise and ROCKET PRIDE!! In order
to make this event a success, we are counting on your support and generosity to
help each student meet a recommended pledge goal of $40 per student (suggested
amount—any amount above or below is GREATLY appreciated) in hopes of reaching
our school goal of $10,000!! .
Fill out your pledge envelopes and send back with your student on or
before October 3rd. For those who prefer to pay online, here
is the link for Paypal: All
pledges are due by Wednesday,

Just keep clipping those Box Top$ for Education coupons!!! Coming up is our Box Top$ for Education FALL contest starts this coming Monday, October 8thand runs until Friday, October 19th. Please help our AMAZING HOOVER ROCKETS earn "free money" by sending in your Box Tops for Education. The PTA will award a classroom party to the top earning class in each grade level. Some popular brands supporting Box Tops are Annie’s, General Mills cereals, Zip Loc bags, and Lysol products. Just cut out the Box Tops coupon on the packaging and save it to send in to your child's class during the contest. Each coupon is worth 10 cents. Last year, we raise around $800 for Hoover Elementary School!! You can also participate by downloading the Bonus Box Top App to your smart phone. Simply download the app, create or login to your Box Top account, look for Bonus Offers, buy the products and upload a picture of your receipt to the app for points. Look for more details to come home as the contest approaches.
All Artists Is your Hoover Rocket a visual artist, photographer, write, dancer,
musician, or film maker? Then keep reading because the PTA has a program for
them!! Students make projects that are inspired by a theme. This year’s theme
is “Heros Around Me.” They can make a project in as many categories as they
want. It is free to enter!! This is the 50th Anniversary of the
National PTA’s Reflections Contest and we are excited to offer it at Hoover.
LPTSA will judge all the entries from Livonia Public Schools. They will choose
four winners in each age range and category. Then they send those winners on to
be judged at the state level. Top winners at the state level go on to national
judging. Please watch for an eblast from Mrs. Linn with more information during
the first week in October. The deadline to turn in projects is November 14,
2018. Please contact our Hoover PTA Reflections Chair, Christina Testa,, if you would like information.

10/1 Nuts About Science
10/3 Walk A Thon 9:30-10:00 KG, 10:00-10:30 3rd, 10:40-11:10 4th, 11:15-11:45 1st-2nd
10/8 Nuts About Science
10/8-10/19 Box Top Contest
10/9 10:00 PTA Meeting
10/8-10/19 Box Top Contest
10/9 10:00 PTA Meeting
10/11 2:15 Fire Drill
10/16 Hoover Highlights
10/16 Hoover Highlights
10/17-10/18 1/2 Day of School Parent Teacher Conferences
10/19 Spirit Day College Day
10/19 Last Day for Box Top Contest
10/24 10:40 Fire Drill
10/24 10:40 Fire Drill
10/25 6-8:00 Hoot N' Howl
11/6 NO SCHOOL Election Day, Professional Development Day
11/9 Spirit Day Gum Day
11/13 7:00 PTA Meeting
11/9 Spirit Day Gum Day
11/13 7:00 PTA Meeting