Front Doors
We will be celebrating our rights as US Citizens on Tuesday, September 11th. The students are encouraged to wear red, white and blue comfortable clothes and shoes. We will all be walking or running after the short ceremony at 1:45. If you would like to volunteer please click on this link:
Fall Picture Day-Thursday, September 13th in the morning. Look for a picture day form to come home either today or on Monday.
Did you know that we have some new staff at Hoover?
Loretti Nesti School Social Worker It's hard to believe, but this is my 2oth year as a SSW with LPS. I came to LPS from Detroit where I worked at the high school level, transferring to Livonia where I primarily worked at the middle schools, and now for the past few years am finally with elementary. This year I have been re-assigned to Niji Iro and Riley, with Hoover and Kennedy being new assignments. Some of you may already know me or have seen me around Hoover, my daughter, Livia went to Hoover and is currently in the 6th grade at Riley. My daughter keeps me busy with all of her activities with soccer keeping us the busiest. We both love to travel, especially Italy and Chicago where we have family. I am very excited to be part of the Hoover family!
Hoover Spirit Wear Free shipping 9/4-9/24! Here is the link to check out the new company http://www.hooverspiritwear. com They have sweatshirts, PJ Pants, Back Packs, T-Shirts etc.
Today our PTA visited each classroom and talked to the students about our upcoming fundraiser-THE WALK-A-THON. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year! Look for some information to come home about how you can support our Hoover Rockets this school year!
Spirit Day
Each year we collect Spirit Day funds and make a donation to a charity that touches the heart of our Hoover Rockets. Students can donate $1 to do something that they can't normally do at school. Our first Spirit Day is Friday, September 14th. Students can pay $1 to wear a hat at school.
9/11 1:45 Freedom Run, 7:00 PTA Meeting
9/13 Fall Picture Day
9/14 Spirit Day Hat Day (students can pay $1 to wear a hat)9/17 11:20 Lock Down Drill
9/18 5:30-6:15 Curriculum Night Kg-2nd
6:15-6:45 Open House for All
6:45-7:30 Curriculum Night 3rd-4th
9/26-9/28 Hearing Screenings (KG, 1st, 2nd, 4th)
9/28 Outdoor Movie Night 7:00
10/3 Walk A Thon 9:30-10:00 KG, 10:00-10:30 3rd, 10:40-11:10 4th, 11:15-11:45 1st-2nd