We had beautiful weather for our Freedom Run! Thank you to Mr. "O" and all the volunteers who cheered on the runners.
Open House/Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night is an essential informational meeting for
parents of students attending Hoover
Elementary School . Staff members prepare vital information on
curriculum & instruction; classroom routines; plans for the year; parent
involvement; student expectations and home/school communication. It is scheduled very early into the school year so
that we may begin on a great note together. We look forward to welcoming you!
This year we are combining Curriculum Night and Meet the
Teacher into one evening, Tuesday, September 18th
o KG, 1st & 2nd Grade Curriculum Night:
5:30-6:15 (The L.P.S. Foundation will be sharing
information with Kindergarten Parents about the Competitive Edge College
Savings Program, at 5:30 in the Community Room).
o Open House 6:15-6:45
All Hoover Rockets will be able to show off their school and parents can learn
about PTA committees.
o 3rd & 4th
Grade Curriculum Night : 6:45-7:30
The Curriculum Night portion of the evening will be a
“parents only” session held in the classrooms.
Supervision will be provided in the Multi-Purpose Room, where our Hoover
Rockets will enjoy an assembly with Jim Basketball Jones. He will focus on two of our Climate Character
Traits; Respect and Responsibility.
The Open House portion of the evening is an
opportunity for your children to “show off” their classroom and school. Be sure to visit all of your children’s
“specials area” teachers and learn about their art, music, physical education
and library media classes, as well as his/her homeroom. Mrs. Pickerel, Mrs. Baughman, Mrs. Bice amd Mrs. VanEsley will also be available for parents during this portion of the evening.
Did you know that we practice safety drills throughout the school year at Hoover?
This week we had a fire drill and a tornado drill. Next week will be our first lock down drill for this school year. The state of Michigan requires all schools to conduct three lock down drills each school year, in addition to the mandatory five fire and three tornado drills. Hoover staff has been given specific directions on their individual and collective responsibilities during our emergency drills. They will speak to their students prior to the drills to explain and practice the procedures. They will also prepare the students emotionally by reminding them that:
- Schools are safe places;
- Teachers and staff work with parents and public safety providers (police and fire departments) to help keep students safe; and
- These drills help us to keep students safe, the same way fire and tornado drillshelp keep students safe.
Parents, please review these same points with your child at home. Remember that children take their cues from you and will feel comfortable with our various safety drills if you reassure them that they are necessary to help keep them safe in the event of an unlikely emergency or crisis. Any visitors at Hoover during the course of a practice drill are required to participate in the applicable drill. You may want to visit http://www.ready.gov/ kidsand http://goo.gl/VGe08y for some kid friendly safety information brought to you by agencies of our Federal government.
WALK-A-THON BANNER CONTEST: If your student is artistic, please
encourage them to enter their artwork for the 2018 Banner Contest. Information
was sent home in the first day packets and the drawings are due back Tuesday,
September 18th. “Come Grow With Us” is the theme this year.
OPEN HOUSE/CURRICULUM NIGHT: The PTA has you covered for dinner
and/or dessert Tuesday, September 18th with Heavenly Hot Dogs and
Kona Ice. A portion of the proceeds from each vendor go back to the Hoover PTA.
Also be sure to also stop by our PTA table, which will be set up in the lobby,
if you want to purchase an additional calendar magnet for $1. PTA membership
envelopes will also be available.
OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT: Bring your blankets and camping
chairs for a night of fun on the back field of Hoover Friday, September 28th.
Earlier this week our Hoover Rockets voted on the movie and they chose Paddington 2. More details to
come home as the date approaches.
SPIRITWEAR: Have you checked out the new Hoover
Spiritwear? Our vendor is currently offering free shipping through September 24th.
The products your chose and create are shipped directly to your home!! www.hooverspiritwear.com
WALK-A-THON: The biggest fundraiser of the year
is coming up on Wednesday, October 3rd. Our Hoover Rockets will be
participating in our 5th Annual Walk-a-thon to help raise funds for
our Hoover PTA. Students are asked to collect pledges in support of them
completing laps around a ¼ mile track for 25 minutes during a day filled with
laughter, music, healthy exercise and ROCKET PRIDE!! In order to make this
event a success, we are counting on your support and generosity to help each
student meet a recommended pledge goal of $40 per student (suggested amount—any
amount above or below is GREATLY appreciated) in hopes of reaching our school
goal of $10,000!! Pledges can be sent in via the envelopes that went home last
week or via our PayPal account: http://hoover.livoniapublicschools.org/p_t_a/walk-a-thon All
pledges are due by Wednesday,
9/17 11:20 Lock Down Drill
9/18 5:30-6:15 Curriculum Night Kg-2nd
6:15-6:45 Open House for All
6:45-7:30 Curriculum Night 3rd-4th
9/18 Walk-a-thon Banner Contest Entries Due
9/26-9/28 Hearing Screenings (KG, 1st, 2nd, 4th)
9/28 Outdoor Movie Night 7:00
10/3 Walk A Thon 9:30-10:00 KG, 10:00-10:30 3rd, 10:40-11:10 4th, 11:15-11:45 1st-2nd
10/9 10:00 PTA Meeting
10/11 2:15 Fire Drill
10/17-10/18 1/2 Day of School Parent Teacher Conferences
10/19 Spirit Day College Day
10/24 9:30 Fire Drill
10/25 6-8:00 Hoot N' Howl
11/6 NO SCHOOL Election Day, Professional Development Day