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Happy Halloween from Hoover! |
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for the afternoon and evening on Wednesday, October 17 and Thursday, October 18 (1:00-4:00 and 5:00-8:00 p.m.). Students will attend school for a half day both of these days. They will be dismissed at 12:10 p.m.
If you are unable to make your scheduled conference day and time, please contact Mrs. Holmes in the office for assistance. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Conferences!
If you are unable to make your scheduled conference day and time, please contact Mrs. Holmes in the office for assistance. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Conferences!
The following guidelines were developed to help parents have successful conferences. I hope a few of these hints will be helpful to you:
*Decide in advance the questions you want to ask the teacher. It's a good idea to jot them down.
*Ask your child if there is anything she/he would like you to discuss with the teacher.
*Be ready to tell the teacher what she needs to know. Teachers are not prying when they ask about your child's health, hobbies, homework habits, or feelings about school. Knowing these things will be helpful in her teaching approach to your child.
*If you're concerned about something you have heard, or something your child has told you about school, keep an open mind until you hear the facts.
*Ask how you can work together with the teacher to meet your child’s needs.
*Take notes during the conference and review them when you get home. Start right away on the action steps you and the teacher agreed upon.
*Decide in advance the questions you want to ask the teacher. It's a good idea to jot them down.
*Ask your child if there is anything she/he would like you to discuss with the teacher.
*Be ready to tell the teacher what she needs to know. Teachers are not prying when they ask about your child's health, hobbies, homework habits, or feelings about school. Knowing these things will be helpful in her teaching approach to your child.
*If you're concerned about something you have heard, or something your child has told you about school, keep an open mind until you hear the facts.
*Ask how you can work together with the teacher to meet your child’s needs.
*Take notes during the conference and review them when you get home. Start right away on the action steps you and the teacher agreed upon.
*The conference doesn't end here. You have the right to know, at any time, about your child's progress. A telephone call to your child's teacher, will allow you to set up an appointment at a time convenient to both of you. Teachers value the interest and opinions of parents.
We look forward to seeing you at parent-teacher conferences and I hope you will feel free to stop in and visit with me.
Hoover is a Healthy
School. Students are not permitted to
bring in birthday treats such as cupcakes or cookies for the class. If you would like to celebrate a birthday you
can send in items that are not edible or donate an indoor recess game for the
classroom. Thanks for keeping our Hoover Rockets Healthy

Last week, our third graders had a great field trip to Greenfield Village. Thank you to the parents that chaperoned and the PTA for funding the transportation.
Box Top$ for Education FALL contest started Monday, October 8thand runs until Friday, October 19th. Please help our AMAZING HOOVER ROCKETS earn "free money" by sending in your Box Tops for Education. The PTA will award a classroom party to the top earning class in each grade level. Some popular brands supporting Box Tops are Annie’s, General Mills cereals, Zip Loc bags, and Lysol products. Just cut out the Box Tops coupon on the packaging and save it to send in to your child's class during the contest. Each coupon is worth 10 cents. Last year, we raise around $800 for Hoover Elementary School!! You can also participate by downloading the Bonus Box Top App to your smart phone. Simply download the app, create or login to your Box Top account, look for Bonus Offers, buy the products and upload a picture of your receipt to the app for points. Look for more details to come home as the contest approaches.
DINE TO DONATE: at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday 10/17 and a portion of your bill will go back to the Hoover PTA. Watch for a flyer to come home via backpack mail with more details.
We look forward to seeing you at parent-teacher conferences and I hope you will feel free to stop in and visit with me.
As parents are
planning birthday parties, please remember that teachers and or students cannot
pass out invitations unless all of the students in the class are invited. We do not want anyone to feel left out or excluded
from an event.
Rocket Pad-School Store
It is with great excitement that we are happy to announce that
The Hoover School Store, The Rocket Pad, opened this week. This year, the students on the Hoover Leadership Team will
be working at the store and helping customers with their
purchases. The store sells everything from pencils to glue
sticks and look for special surprises during the holiday seasons. Each week, the
First and Second Graders can shop on Tuesdays during their lunch recess and the Third and Fourth Graders can shop during their lunch recess on
Thursdays. Items range in price from a nickel to three dollars.
Gift cards and also available in fifty cent and $1.00 denominations.

Are you familiar with the third grade-reading bill? This is sometimes referred to as Public Act 306 or House Bill No. 4822. At parent-teacher conferences, you will receive a copy of your child's fall assessment results. The focus of parent-teacher conferences won't be on the report card, which comes home in December, but rather your child's current progress academically and socially. To address this fall data, every classroom will have a designated period of each day devoted to providing additional supports to struggling learners and enrichment/extension activities for children who are scoring at or above grade level on their assessments. We will also count on you for a home plan to help your child be successful with their grade level expectations. This Third Grade Reading link contains manyinformational documents from Wayne County RESA, which highlights the third grade-reading bill and the importance of early literacy. Thank you for being an active partner in your child's education.
almost Halloween time Hoover Rockets! Our annual HOOT & HOWL event is
sneaking up soon, so plan to join us for a spooktacular night of
fun. Everyone is welcome to dress up in costume. We kindly
request no masks or (toy) weapons please. There will be guessing games,
Halloween games, prizes, face painting, tattoo station, haunted obstacle
course, music, dancing and Dan The Creature Man for some creepy crawly
fun! Dinner will be available for purchase. Complimentary cider
& donuts will be served later in the evening while we announce the winners
of the guessing games.
Girl Scouts will also be doing their annual “Cans For Candy” collection
for the Livonia Goodfellows charity. Bring canned goods and receive
a bag of candy at the door.
If you
would like to volunteer your time or make a donation to the event, here is the
sign-up genius link: Hoover Hoot -n- Howl 2018
Box Top$ for Education FALL contest started Monday, October 8thand runs until Friday, October 19th. Please help our AMAZING HOOVER ROCKETS earn "free money" by sending in your Box Tops for Education. The PTA will award a classroom party to the top earning class in each grade level. Some popular brands supporting Box Tops are Annie’s, General Mills cereals, Zip Loc bags, and Lysol products. Just cut out the Box Tops coupon on the packaging and save it to send in to your child's class during the contest. Each coupon is worth 10 cents. Last year, we raise around $800 for Hoover Elementary School!! You can also participate by downloading the Bonus Box Top App to your smart phone. Simply download the app, create or login to your Box Top account, look for Bonus Offers, buy the products and upload a picture of your receipt to the app for points. Look for more details to come home as the contest approaches.
Penny Wars: This year the Annual MSU vs. UM Penny Wars starts on Monday, October 15th and ends Friday, October 19th. ALL proceeds will go towards the Scholastic Book Fair to help our Hoover Library GROW!! Scholastic then gives the amount of money we raise to children in need. So let's show our Hoover Rockets how important it is to READ, help make our school library GROW, all while giving back to less fortunate children!!
SPIRIT DAY: is Friday October 19th. Staying with the Penny Wars theme, Spirit Day is College Day. Have your Hoover Rocket wear their favorite colors or team apparel. Pleae send in $1 to participate.
Go Green! Go Blue!
SPIRIT DAY: is Friday October 19th. Staying with the Penny Wars theme, Spirit Day is College Day. Have your Hoover Rocket wear their favorite colors or team apparel. Pleae send in $1 to participate.
Go Green! Go Blue!
WALK-A-THON – Top class for each grade will receive $100.00, Top student of each grade will choose staff member for lunch & get a Hoover cinch sack.
Walk-A-Thon WINNERS:
Kindergarten Class: Hawker Kindergarten Student: Adelynn Stram (Hawker)
1st Grade Class: Neville 1st Grade Student: Dylan Barry (Neville)
2nd Grade Class: Stack/Peer 2nd Grade Student: Mackenzie Hughes (Peer)
3rd Grade Class: Cowher 3rd Grade Student: Isabella Almodovar (Cowher)
4th Grade Class: Skibinski 4th Grade Student: Brooke Hughes (Larabell)
Top Earning Class at Hoover: Mrs. Hawker (Kindergarten)
DINE TO DONATE: at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday 10/17 and a portion of your bill will go back to the Hoover PTA. Watch for a flyer to come home via backpack mail with more details.
Calling All Artists Is your Hoover Rocket a visual artist, photographer, write,
dancer, musician, or film maker? Then keep reading because the PTA has a
program for them!! Students make projects that are inspired by a theme. This
year’s theme is “Heros Around Me.” They can make a project in as many
categories as they want. It is free to enter!! This is the 50th
Anniversary of the National PTA’s Reflections Contest and we are excited to
offer it at Hoover. LPTSA will judge all the entries from Livonia Public
Schools. They will choose four winners in each age range and category. Then
they send those winners on to be judged at the state level. Top winners at the
state level go on to national judging. Please watch for an eblast from Mrs.
Linn with more information during the first week in October. The deadline to
turn in projects is November 14, 2018. Please contact our Hoover PTA
Reflections Chair, Christina Testa, Christina.testa.80@gmail.com, if you would like information.
10/17-10/18 1/2 Day of School 12:10 Dismissal Parent Teacher Conferences
10/17 Buffalo Wild Wings Dine to Donate
10/19 Spirit Day College Day
10/19 Spirit Day College Day
10/19 Last Day for Box Top Contest
10/24 10:40 Fire Drill
10/24 10:40 Fire Drill
10/25 6-8:00 Hoot N' Howl
11/6 NO SCHOOL Election Day, Professional Development Day
11/9 Spirit Day Gum Day
11/13 7:00 PTA Meeting
11/29 Trimester Ends
11/30 NO SCHOOL Work Day for Teachers
12/6-12/7 Holiday Shop
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