Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you to all the parents/guardians that attended conferences this week. Together we will achieve our academic goals. Keep reading with your children and talking about what they have read. The conversation after reading is just as important as reading.
Lunch in Classrooms due to Halloween Obstacle Course
Mr. O will have his famous Halloween Obstacle Course set up in the Multipurpose Room again this year. Students will be eating lunch in their classrooms on Monday, October 22nd, Tuesday October 23rd and Wednesday, October 24th.

Book Fair
The Book Fair was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who purchased books to support our library and classrooms.
Hoot N'Howl is this Thurday from 6:00-8:00 p.m. This is one of my favorite nights. We will have a DJ, games, food and fun activities. Students are not permitted to bring toy weapons to school for the Halloween parties or for Hoot N' Howl. Students are also asked not to wear masks with their costumes. We have young students who might be afraid of the masks. Thanks for following the school rules.
Pack 907 (Cub Scouts at Hoover) are having a can/bottle drive next Saturday, October 27th and any donations are appreciated! Cans/bottles can be dropped off in to the Pack in the Hoover parking lot.

Mrs. Eckerle brought in a mystery item last week. Students guessed if it was living or non-living.
Some kids thought it was a rock, an ostrich egg, a snake egg. They looked it up on line and many were certain it was a snake egg after we did our on-line research. It was leathery on the outside and soft, which definitely fit the criteria for a snake egg. They cut it open to see what was inside....thank goodness no snake!! A few students thought it was a mushroom. They learned it was a puffball mushroom, which is EDIBLE!! They talked about fungi. It was a great experience!
HOOT & HOWL THURSDAY, October 25th 6:00-8:00 pm
It’s almost Halloween time Hoover Rockets! Our annual HOOT & HOWL event is sneaking up soon, so plan to join us for a spooktacular night of fun. Everyone is welcome to dress up in costume. We kindly request no masks or (toy) weapons please. There will be guessing games, Halloween games, prizes, face painting, tattoo station, haunted obstacle course, music, dancing and Dan The Creature Man for some creepy crawly fun! Dinner will be available for purchase. Complimentary cider & donuts will be served later in the evening while we announce the winners of the guessing games.
The Girl Scouts will also be doing their annual “Cans For Candy” collection for the Livonia Goodfellows charity. Bring canned goods and receive a bag of candy at the door.
If you would like to volunteer your time or make a donation to the event, here is the sign-up genius link: Hoover Hoot -n- Howl 2018
NATIONAL PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST: Calling All Artists Is your Hoover Rocket a visual artist, photographer, write, dancer, musician, or film maker? Then keep reading because the PTA has a program for them!! Students make projects that are inspired by a theme. This year’s theme is “Heros Around Me.” They can make a project in as many categories as they want. It is free to enter!! This is the 50th Anniversary of the National PTA’s Reflections Contest and we are excited to offer it at Hoover. LPTSA will judge all the entries from Livonia Public Schools. They will choose four winners in each age range and category. Then they send those winners on to be judged at the state level. Top winners at the state level go on to national judging. The deadline to turn in projects is November 14, 2018. Please contact our Hoover PTA Reflections Chair, Christina Testa,, if you would like information.
NATIONAL PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST: Calling All Artists Is your Hoover Rocket a visual artist, photographer, write, dancer, musician, or film maker? Then keep reading because the PTA has a program for them!! Students make projects that are inspired by a theme. This year’s theme is “Heros Around Me.” They can make a project in as many categories as they want. It is free to enter!! This is the 50th Anniversary of the National PTA’s Reflections Contest and we are excited to offer it at Hoover. LPTSA will judge all the entries from Livonia Public Schools. They will choose four winners in each age range and category. Then they send those winners on to be judged at the state level. Top winners at the state level go on to national judging. The deadline to turn in projects is November 14, 2018. Please contact our Hoover PTA Reflections Chair, Christina Testa,, if you would like information.
10/22 2:00 Fire Drill
1022-10/24 Lunch In Classrooms, Halloween Obstacle Course in MPR
10/25 6-8:00 Hoot N' Howl
10/31 Stevenson Marching Band Assembly, Halloween Parties
11/6 NO SCHOOL Election Day, Professional Development Day10/25 6-8:00 Hoot N' Howl
10/31 Stevenson Marching Band Assembly, Halloween Parties
11/9 Spirit Day Gum Day
11/13 7:00 PTA Meeting
11/15 2nd Grade Field Trip Harris, Baden
11/20 2nd Grade Field Trip Flak, Acosta
11/15 2nd Grade Field Trip Harris, Baden
11/20 2nd Grade Field Trip Flak, Acosta
11/29 Trimester Ends
11/30 NO SCHOOL Work Day for Teachers
12/6-12/7 Holiday Shop
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